I had started with the helicopter crash scenario as a military recruit, I walked north for a day or two occasionally having to deal with violent wildlife, after some time I finally see a town, after waiting for nightfall I go to the office tower that was a little outside of the town, things had gone well, I made several trips into town at night for food, books and supplies, I even managed to find a functioning electric car, and immediately after found a functioning SUV. I knew in my gut that if things are going this well something bad has to happen.
It was day 12 I think, a smoker zombie had broken into the tower and I quickly dealt with it, unfortunately there was also a skeleton, which due to my inhaling of smoke I was unable to easily deal with, I managed to kill it at the cost of breaking both of my arms, I thought to myself, ok I'll just make some splints and hang around for a bit, My first aid skill is too low, I have no first aid books, the town is basically looted.
At this point I decide its time to pack up and leave, I used my decent money reserve to buy and fill up some gas in my SUV, I also managed to smack into a gas pump at high velocity and mostly destroy it somehow surviving, I load my stuff up into my electric car, dealing with a few zombies while I do so, I slammed into a wrecked car and broke the engine off. I run along a road to see if there is anything that way, its a cemetery, ok then.
I managed to find yet another functioning vehicle drive north out of the town along a road and it runs out of gas, dogs are attacking me, I hide in another car, a wolf is after me, zombies are coming, I make a run for it, I'm in too much pain to run fast enough, I die.
Cataclysm DDA Well, things went downhill real fast.