I had a mission to free a slave. Problem: I'm a gorilla. I can't talk to the slaver to buy the slave, I can't use any clever methods to free the slave, and the way the mission area was set up was horrible for stealthily killing the slavers. Oh, and I'm playing with the time limit mutation and there's only a minute thirty left. My only advantage is that I have 3 allied gorillas following me, and they'll help me fight the slavers. What I decide to do is punch the slave to make them angry and fail the mission. If I try to fight it out openly there's a 95% chance the slave dies in the fighting anyway, so at least this way they get to live.
I do that, but the slavers see me and chase me back to my gorilla posse. For whatever reason, I don't know if it was just a reflex or if I was trying to get them to follow me and pressed the wrong button, but I clicked on my gorilla buddy as I was running past. This causes me to punch him. You do reduced damage to allies so 3 damage is done and gorilla buddy doesn't mind. However, things start happening very quickly.
1. A cop sees me punch my buddy, and attacks me because I broke the law.
2. The cop hits me. To defend me, the same gorilla buddy I punched hits
the cop, also hitting me and knocking us both towards a slaver.
3. The slaver use uses an axe to smash both me and the cop through a fucking wall. The cop he hit dies.
4. This reveals another cop with a baton, who smacks me back towards the melee.
5. The cops, slavers, and gorillas are now engaged in a 3 way war. 2 more cops join the melee, one of them has a gun and starts firing at random into the combat.
6. I'm killed. Out of sight, the sounds of horrific violence continue unabated for a good half a minute. I have no idea who won.