Your contact in Staroye expects you to be psychic and know what he means by "the big work site" and "under your nose". I drove my squad up and down the southern coast of Chernorussia for about an hour, investigating any spot on the map that had the factory symbol, and found nothing. Because I just wanted ANYTHING to do, I had the transport chopper pick us up from Chernogorsk and drop us next to a town deep within enemy territory.
The pilot tried to land the helicopter on top of a tree. This of course resulted in the chopper's destruction, and there is no way I'm about to walk all over the map.
ARMA 2. Razor Two is quickly becoming my least-favorite mission in any game, ever. I could have SKIPPED this mission, too!
You have my sympathy. Nobody ever deserves to feel the horrors of that mission.
I eventually found the power plant that the guy was hiding in, and just barely caught him getting into a car and trying to drive away. I shot the car, causing him to dismount from it and attempt to escape by running up the road. I caught up to him, triggering a cutscene where Cooper arrests the man. I was still standing in the road when a white van hit me in the back and killed me instantly, then kept driving. I can't think of who could have been in the car besides Lopotev, the other target.
TL:DR, they both got away and I died.
EDIT: Also, O'Hara's "patch" joke is the dumbest I've ever heard, hands down