God fucking dammit, fucking Living Ice.
Not only does it spam a full-party-hit spell, it's an advanced one that does ~800 damage per hit, and I have two kids in my party with only about 600. What am I supposed to do?! I don't have enough angel plumes to rez them every other turn, I barely have enough to keep the adults up, which is just enough to keep me
alive, not even attacking. Every turn after it casts it's Reflect spell (Which reflects dispel, btw, which is total bullshit forever) it murders the kids and knocks the adults down to only about 100 hp. I even grinded out another level and taught my
cleric Black Magic lvl 4 so she could use Grounda and try to bring this thing down quickly but I still lose. It's a battle against a team of 1 mage, 2 clerics and a monk, or thereabouts, so why does it have a highly damaging attack
along with reflect?! I literally have to rely on the monk, who's like 7 years old and has only 600 hp, which wouldn't be bad IF IT DIDN'T SPAM THAT DAMN ATTACK. Which never fucking misses because it's a spell. And my most advanced form of defense is a pathetic barrier spell I only barely know how to cast on the whole party. And it has an annoying cutscene in front, so not only do I have to load at a save point a small jog across a random enocounter area to get at him, I also have to skip a cutscene.
It's like this fucking moster was built to be annoying to me. Everything about it is shit. The game isn't shit. I know the guys who worked on it knew what they were doing. But this boss is shit. This boss is total fucking moose shit wrapped in dog shit with shit icing on a shit platter. Fuck this boss, and fuck every line of code that he depends on, and fuck that goddamn spell. It wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't the All- version. If it was a OHKO, I'd be fine, as long as it only hit one person. As it is, this thing has a OH2KO spell. One fucking spell knocks out half the party. The party I CAN'T MODIFY. I've forgotten where my damn fighter is but he's nowhere to be found. I don't have my rogue, who does nice physical damage. I don't have a paladin, or even the whiny fucker in gold armor I never use. No, it's three spell-casters and a low-level monk with no skills vs a boss that would be challenging enough if I actually had access to Kaim or Seth. God fucking dammit.
Fuck this monster. I just want it done.