Ok this is going pretty good. Clearing out aliens pretty good, the National guard appears to be more of a threat to itself than the aliens, but that tank is mostly staying out of my way... Big wave of civvies, that must have been that distress call. I'll just have my laser pistol guy here cover them on their way in then...
Great, teleports, I knew it was a matter of time. Oh holy hell is that a sectopod? I remember them. Crap, where's my gatling laser guy. Ah I see his sniper nest has a shredder, he's going to be busy for awhile, I'll have to send the autocannon guy up to cover him. Oh wow there's a lot of them. Crap, just lost my point guys. Oh, the game is telling me to disengage. Don't mind if I do.
Ok, guy guarding the wave of civvies, throw a proxy grenade and bail, the proxy should cover the civilians enough for them to get out. Ok and around that corner and...oh shit it's the sectopod, and reaction fire, and that guy's dead. Those civvies won't make it past that. Ok gatling laser clear yourself a path, good job, autocannon turn around and GTFO. There's a shredder, yer too close, switch to AP rounds, yer out of TUs ok, hopefully it didn't notice you, take it out next turn.
Crap it noticed you, well yer dead. Ok gatling lazer, you are my last guy, don't mess with that shredder that took out autocannon, jump down that hole you made clearing the room, and now that next one... good, out the door, there's the tank you'll be at the evac zone next turn.
Ok hidden movement, dammit theres a shredder coming right for ya from the side...good you lived it, as long as more don't come- NATIONAL GUARD TANK! NO DON'T SHOOT IT'S TOO CLOSE TO MY LAST- *BOOM*
X@Com. First run of the exodus map