As i had plenty of several of the material in stock despite unlocking a lot of techs i could then play that mission (as every campaign mission has some unlock requirement + a price in various type of materials to be able to get to them).
I had a rather large base and several industries already setup (some i never used so far like water based ones) so it took me some time to figure out how they worked and make some needed connections and etc...
Once i managed to build up my defenses and improve them over time, i understood the robots my factories were building were very far from enough to even hope to reach the enemy core (as every enemy waves started to get stronger and more numerous) and the many defenses on the way.
So i started to get into making a lot more of those robots factories, but as they require some silicons, it means i had to setup a lot more of those industry chains that end into producing silicons.
Sometime i was wondering why there was no real progress, until i noticed that one of the many many enemy bombers had managed to destroy a single tile of my many conduits, leading me to having to repair so ores could get back into being transported, it happened so many time in so many different place that i lost an insane amount of time actually finding where things were destroyed , while the way too short timer between waves was going fast.
In the end i got to wave 155 (never played more than wave 60 on the other missions as i never needed that
) where things were utterly insane with giants ground and flying units amongst thousands of small fast bombers ones, i had a very lot of defenses but at that point it was just too much and finally one of the giant boss-like ground unit managed to get through and destroy my own base core.
Looks like as i finally understood how things were playing in this special mission, i know what to do first a lot better (as i wasted a lot of times and enemy waves figuring it out things) for the next time (and will unlock stronger robot factories first too in case they can help as i previously missed some material to unlock it, time to grind another mission), but man that was insane at that point