Minecraft is not an alpha game. It is a commercial product that an entire company of at least 5 people depend on to feed themselves and their families. That's not alpha. So Minecraft's PURCHASERS are entitled to yell about every little thing in the game they hate, particularly when bits they like are changed and no longer work or no longer work as they should.
This leads to the all the flaming and immaturity in the Minecraft forums, as players who aren't bothered by the changes, or don't care about the new broken aspects, tell the others "Just do X and live with it!"
I remember when 4chan DDoSsed Notch. His supporters pissed off the 4chan army. Not smart. He's lucky they moved on to harass others. They can actually get fairly nasty when they get their back up. And none of the 4chan DDoS army paid for the game--- so if Notch had packed his bag up and moved on, that would have made the army supremely happy, as it would have caused the people that ticked them off even more personal trouble and sadness.
4chan itself is a fun and fairly mature place--- on about 50% of its boards. Of the rest, some are just serious, and some are just silly. Then there's /b/. It is silly, immature, and out to try to shock you (like a 10 year old with an internet connection and having discovered freaky pics trying to shock his 8 year old baby sister). You don't go to 4chan with a sensitive skin though or you are bound to become irritated or upset by some /b/tard out of place or its general "free speech, free thought, free arguing for all (but you might need to go to board xyz)" attitude.