I'm starting a campaign of All Flesh Must Be Eaten. I've already got the preliminary stuff ready so first session can be played as soon as everyone has a character. After that decisions about what to do will probably be made in the thread, and I'll tailor the next session for whatever you've declared your next goal to be (So if you decide you want to raid an abandoned junkyard for car parts, I'll have that ready for you next game)
Obviously it'll be player-driven. There's not going to be much of an overarching storyline (Although I do have a timeline for the progression of the apocalypse. Some of it will have an effect on the game, some not so much) outside of what the Survivors plan to do with their remaining days. If you want to kill every last zombie in the area and that's your goal that'll be the storyline. If you want to establish a fortress and gather survivors, that's the story. You!
Anyway, a bit about the system. All Flesh Must Be Eaten is an awesome system, although some of the rules can seem a little contradictory and weird in spots. Combat is very lethal, so you should be careful. All tests are done with a 1d10, with various bonuses, and a 9+ is a success. All characters will be Norms, no Survivors or Inspired (Or anything supernatural)
If you already know the rules you can make a character whenever you want. Post here if you're interested with times. If you don't know the rules contact me on Steam or here and we'll get something sorted out.
I'll edit this post with further information and anything I missed.
Don't get bit.