14th Felsite, Late Spring 200
Bowdown2q: Rodicurst Onyxbone, Chief Medical Dwarf
Taco Dan: "Dan the Man" Cowbridges, Swordsdwarf
JOBS: Diagnosis Required
Rodicurst checks on Dan's foot, [5]-1(nasty water)+1(Soap!)+1(skillfully cleaned) and is relieved to see no signs of infection. After giving some thought to the water problem, Rodicurst decides to make a long trip down to the river to at least have a bucket of clean water on hand for the next bandage changing. Clean water in a bucket will become stagnant after one full phase, if not used beforehand.
Dan lays back and rests while Rodicurst makes his bucket run, silently mourning the loss of his toe. At this point he notices that the toe is still on the table next to him- nobody seems to have had time to clean it up. It looks so lonely...
+Bucket(Clean Water)
Frelock: Modul "Tweak" Mostsilver, Mechanic
JOBS: Craft Stone Mechanisms
Tweak heads on over to the Mechanics Workshop to make more Mechanisms.
-4 Sandstone
+4 +Sandstone Mechanisms+
+120 Mechanic XP
FuzzyZergling: Fuzz Oiledsparce, Farmer
JOB: Plant Crop
Fuzz is quite relieved to see Deathblack and Signun come over to help with the harvest. Upon further inspection of the seed stockpile, Fuzz finds that he does not have enough Plump Helmet Spawn to fill the field. Instead, he plants the Pig Tail Field.
-9 Pig Tail Seed
+270 Grower XP
Shadow: Kib Koganobul, Miner
Mine, lads, mine for the taking! Kib mines out the ore before continuing as normal. MYSTERIOUSLY, Kib realizes he can mine at the rate of 36/halfweek!
+360 Mining XP
+6 Copper Nuggets
+22 Sandstone
Baradine: Signun Robermeng, Weaponsmith
JOBS: Harvest Plants
Signun harvests pig tails! Yay!
+9 Pig Tails
+270 Grower XP
Blastoise: Thikut Itdunkul, Militia Captain
JOBS: Construct Tower
Thikut sees that the masons shop is still occupied, so he continues to build the tower.
-10 Sandstone
+10 Sandstone Floor
Innsmothe: Deathblack Masonbrew, Gemcutter
JOBS: Pray, Harvest Crops
Deathblack, finding that there has been more death and infection in the last month than the Mountainhome dealt with in half a year, decides that this would be a good time to become better acquainted with the Gods. After offering prayers to the gods of the Speechless Hatchet, he decides that Rovol, deity of war, fortresses, valor, and jewels would make an excellent patron. Rovol often takes the form of a female dwarf- perhaps she'd like a gift?
After this bit of introspection, Deathblack goes to help with the harvest.
+7 Plump Helmets
+210 Grower XP
ggamer: Gaaben Timbershields, Miner
Dig dig dig dig dig.
+12 Sandstone
+290 Mining XP
Darvi: Darvi "Stonehead" Lammor, Mason
JOBS: Build Coffin
Stonehead begins work on the coffin shortage.
-4 Sandstone
+4 +Sandstone Coffins+
+120 Mason XP
Sneevil: Tulon Lensstream, Hunter
JOBS: Decorate with Bone
With that crises averted, Tulon decides to enhance the value of the mugs with some tastefully Menacing Spikes of Wolf Bone.
-6 Wolf Bone
-6 Sandstone Mugs
+6 «Sandstone Mugs»
NPC Metalsmith, Milker
Metalsmith- Hauling, Metalsmithing, Masonry
Hauling for Darvi
Milker- Hauling, Carpentry
-2 Fungiwood Logs
+2 Fungiwood Beds
+Pine Bed
+90 Carpentry XP
I seem to have missed a Stocks update. I shall rectify that situation on the morrow. Also, you are out of wood.