It is my long-term plan to build a series of smaller "AI Cores" that perform various functions, and then slave
them all to a single master control. It won't
technically be an AI, but want it to crack the in-game "Urist McTuring Test" (ie, be indistinguishable from the game's own AI).
The key to this is the fact that I will exploit the game's AI instead of building my own from scratch through the use of
this random value generator I've designed. Each of the slaved cores will have its own "brain", and I hope to be able to make the MC able to detect when they stop giving random values and send a "resurrect" signal to refresh them.
I intend to have ARM_0k gradually take more and more control of the fortress as it grows, and once the infrastructure management cores are finished I'll have the dwarves build a massive "Cube^D", which I also need some ideas for.
AI Cores:
URIST (Unified RAM: Interpreter/System Tasker) I'm pretty sure I need this in my design, but not quite sure how it would work yet. Essentially it has to convert masses of random, fluctuating input data and output useful, stable signals that change state less often.
MORUL (Magma-Operated Rapid Unit Launch) Controls the system of drawbridge tunnels I have planned for transporting goods between isolation cells. Will utilize liquid moving down a corridor to time the motions of drawbridges that propell items and occasionally dwarves towards their destination.
THOLTIG (Target Hostile Outsiders >> Link>> Terminate Invading Goblins) Manages the gates, all incoming targets are filtered by type and seperated for use in the dungeon or dumped in execution chambers. Needs some semi-borg logic and fine-tuning of pressure plates to work, and also there needs to be a way to store prisoners without cages, which need reloading. If I drop them in a pit, will that cause massive lag due to pathfinding failures or will it "shut down" and decreace lag?
CACAME (Captured Attacker/Crazy Adventurer Maze Engine) Handles the individual parts of the maze, dispatching monsters, running spikepits, and changing corridors as directed by URIST and sensors inside the dungeon itself.