As everyone knows, any fortress worth its salt is covered in huge rocks littering all over the place. These rocks are more than just ugly, they kill framerates. You can dump them into a pit - sure, that gets them out of the way but doesn't help the framerate. Melting them in magma is rumoured to be even worse for your framerate than leaving them lying around.
So, I give you: three ways to deal with those useless rocks! Just copy these into your REACTION_OTHER raw and add them to your permitted reactions.
The first one just straight up vanishes them. Rocks go in, nothing comes out. You might want to delete the [AUTOMATIC] tag, you might not.
[NAME:break rocks]
What do we have too much of? rocks. What do we never have enough of? bins. Rock goes in, bin comes out.
problem solved, yo.
[NAME:make rock bin]
Barrels come a close second to bins in the "never having enough of" front. Now you can. Rock goes in, barrel comes out.
[NAME:make rock barrel]