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So no one wants to know how I do this? Ok then, Quick question, Should I get boring with the Updates, putting in the Results and no Story???

Yes, it takes too long and it will be too big when I read it.
No, take all the time you need, I like the story that comes with each post.
Other:: I will PM you what I think you should do...
OH SHIT, AN OWL!!! ((PS: IF you are thinking of doing something like this, and want to know the Template, PM me))

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Author Topic: Fortress Mode 2.0 :: Your life in a Dwarven Fortress ((Migrants always Welcome))  (Read 26722 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Indeed. The GM will have to make us perform logical actions (depending on our established behaviour) to fill in the gaps. For example, interrupting two or more people's schedules so that someone can seek medical attention.
Apparently having a redundant creature entry causes the game to say, "Oh, look, it's crazy world now. Nothing makes sense! Alligators live in houses!"


  • Bay Watcher
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Sigh Day three coming up....

EDIT:: Can everyone please check the Dwarves in the 2nd OP (MY OP!!!) and make sure your Profiles are correct. Things changed and I am not sure I got all of them...
« Last Edit: November 01, 2010, 12:29:03 am by Neyvn »
Quote from: Ubiq
Broker: Wasn't there an ambush squad here just a second ago?
Merchant: I don't know what you're talking about. Do you want this goblin ankle bone amulet or not?
My LIVESTREAM. I'm Aussie, so not everything is clean. Least it works...


  • Bay Watcher
  • Nope~
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Mine isn't. Shade's post had the correct info, but it's gone now... ???

The main thing was I swapped out my tent for some ragged clothes, personal basics, food, and booze.

EDIT: Found it.

1 Smithing Toolset
1 Ragged Clothes
1 Personal Basics
1 Copper Axe
18 Hardtack
10 Bottles of Rum
20 Bottles of Beer
1 Puppy
2 Kittens

My skills are correct, though.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2010, 12:39:26 am by IronyOwl »
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


  • Bay Watcher
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Why does our embark profile matter any more? Everything is in the shared stockpile, unless we specifically say we have it.
Apparently having a redundant creature entry causes the game to say, "Oh, look, it's crazy world now. Nothing makes sense! Alligators live in houses!"


  • Bay Watcher
  • Hrm.
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Equipment like the copper axe matters.


  • Bay Watcher
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Why does our embark profile matter any more? Everything is in the shared stockpile, unless we specifically say we have it.
Like Ched said, its easier to see whom actually wants to use what Item, as the items change hands though things will appear and disappear in them, also they will increase in the skills and other things when I get around to it...

(Notice these posts while checking how I was going, nearly done, just gotta do Shade's, Maxi's and Samthere's turns. Gotta do Shades first before Maxi's though..)
Quote from: Ubiq
Broker: Wasn't there an ambush squad here just a second ago?
Merchant: I don't know what you're talking about. Do you want this goblin ankle bone amulet or not?
My LIVESTREAM. I'm Aussie, so not everything is clean. Least it works...


  • Bay Watcher
  • It's my greatest creation yet!
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Well, the posts on pages 1 and 14 have the stockpiles I recorded.
Apparently having a redundant creature entry causes the game to say, "Oh, look, it's crazy world now. Nothing makes sense! Alligators live in houses!"


  • Bay Watcher
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Well, the posts on pages 1 and 14 have the stockpiles I recorded.
Yeah I know that, but its a personal one so that I know exactly where to look each time. It would be useful if yours kept up to date cause I get tired after all this...

Sadly I have been distracted alot, Almost done, just Akron's left to do. Shouldn't be too long, and I should be able to beat dinner...
Quote from: Ubiq
Broker: Wasn't there an ambush squad here just a second ago?
Merchant: I don't know what you're talking about. Do you want this goblin ankle bone amulet or not?
My LIVESTREAM. I'm Aussie, so not everything is clean. Least it works...


  • Bay Watcher
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Another day comes forwards. After three days things begin to change...

Quote from: Vallan's Day

Spoiler: Actions (click to show/hide)

Survival - Starting his morning Hastur looks for more berries, seeming to have taken a liking to them from yesterdays Afterdinner Snack. After having a look in the 'Plant Barrel' Torish had put aside within the tent he finds that there are none left, having eaten them yesterday (Getting 4 Fisherberry Seeds) so in the end grabs his share of rations... 1

Work - Heading to the Excavation site where Etur had worked tirelessly the other day, he collects one of the best stones there and makes a Carpenter's Workshop after chipping off the worst of the stone with his Toolset, *Prepared +-0 Mod) in the largest part he could without getting in the way. Right next to it he builds a Mechanic's Workshop using the same method *Prepared +-0 Mod). Satisfied he set out to go get a log from where they were being stored and proceed to drag it to the Carpenters Workshop to begin carving them into Wooden Boards 2/3. He finds it takes around 1 Hours to carve around 2 Boards from one log. In the first 4 hours he archives to make 4 out of 2 logs, and in the second 4 hours he makes 8 out of 3...

Revival - Going to his old Workshops by the river he collected his bed before taking it down near his Workshops near the excavation site. Sleeping mildly well with his bedroll from the Tent but the openness to the Sea below (Cause the Entrance Ramp down is open to the sea) cause him to get a bit of a cold during the night, might have been better to wait for a truly underground bedroom then this...

Spoiler: Skills (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Raw Consumptions (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Carpentry Results (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Relationships Status (click to show/hide)

1- From now on, unless you state what you take, you will be assigned rations for the day by Shade, Shade will then have to tally the resulting loss of food. Shade IS the Record Keeper.
2 - These Boards are Modifiers towards other construction things, building a Door out of a log isn't all that great, but from a board its better. The also count as 'Wooden Blocks' from DF to be used in making OTHER Workshops.
3 - It took 10mins to drag each log to the Site, but this was taken out of the Workshop construction due to it finishing fast.

Quote from: IronyOwl's Day

Spoiler: Actions (click to show/hide)

Survival - After Collecting todays Rations after having breakfast he headed out to the Woods to start his day.

Work - He noticed after reaching the area where he had started, that the amount of easy to cut down trees had diminished to the point that they were nothing but Saplings. Deciding to turn towards the Fatter and more difficult to cut down trees he began his work. He soon found that with his RUSTED COPPER Axe 1 that it was getting harder to cut into the trunk, after all this, he only was able to bring down 3 Logs in 14 hours. The last hour he spent dragging the logs to the area beside the wagon...

Revival - Sleep came to him in the end, it was a peaceful night.

Spoiler: Skills (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Relationships Status (click to show/hide)

1 - I remembered the Modifier that these weapons you brought from the Mountain Home was spos to be carrying. Copper gives +1 to the DR while a Rusted Weapon gives +2. Seeing as I forgot this, I did not penalize your rolls this time with the +3 Modifier. But none the less, those were shit rolls...

Quote from: Etur's Day

Spoiler: Actions (click to show/hide)

Survival - While he felt fit enough from the day before, Etur took the smart move to spend some more time to recover, eating slower and relaxing after each meal before getting to work. Collecting his Rations from Shade he spends some time talking to them...

Work - The Entrance Ramp into the flat was beginning to become crowded with a third Workshop going up next to the Carpenters and Mechanics. Using one of the Mined Stones Etur builds a Masons Workshop *Basic +1). With that built and ready he begins to making some Stone Blocks. Finding that it takes around the same amount of time that it took Vallam in the Workshop over to make his Wooden Boards, or maybe a little longer, Around 1.5hours but only really makes a 1:1 Ratio, unless the Stone is kinda large (Crits). After getting the First Stone on the Bench, he lifted his carving tool *Rusted Copper Pick (No penalty for Rusted this turn) and swung down to carve it. The pick pierced the center of the Stone and shattered it completely (CRIT FAIL!!!) causing the shards of stones to fly every which way, but not towards Etur or Vallam lucky. After taking a moment to recover himself from the shock (An hour) he tried again, this time with careful swings of his pick... In the remaining time he turned one to dust again in a less explosive manner due to cutting too much off and one overly large Stone into 3 smaller cut Blocks (CRIT HIT). Even though it had taken him longer to finally get some blocks carved he was able to start upgrading the Carpenters Workshop..... Though Vallan was Working in it at the time........ He ended up chatting to Vallan while the Dwarf worked, deciding to put off upgrading the workshop until it was free. Tomorrow maybe...

Revival - He spent some time talking to everyone in the Tent over Dinner, learning their stories and tales, listening and chatting until they all fell asleep one by one...

Spoiler: Skills (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Raw Consumptions (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Carpentry Results (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Relationships Status (click to show/hide)

FYI Everyone starts as Passing Acquaintances, when you gain 20 + you level up a stage, when you gain 20 - you go down a stage, the + and - cancel eachother out, in truth this is the first true growth except for Irony's annoyance that everyone left her to build the Tent by herself. So in the end Etur is at a Single + with Shade, but everyone else is -...

Quote from: Torish's Day

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Survival - For some reason Torish had though there was still more Fisherberries to be eaten but after Vallan's question about where she was keeping them and discovering for herself that he had already eaten the 2 that she had gathered the day before and already given her the small pips from them she ended up just grabbing her Rations for the day and headed off to the river to look for more...

Work - It became clear though that Fisherberries and Ropereeds grew mainly near the River, due to the large amount of Berry Bushes and the Patches of Ropereeds along the edge that she crossed her fingers that some had sprouted during the last few days of Winter, going up and down the edge and around the banks she began her search. In the end finding 23 plants and then dropping 3 and crushing them underfoot. She came back to camp with 20 Plants, mainly of the Fisherberries and Ropereed variety and a few Ratreeds...

Revival - After Dinner sleep came to her in her bed roll, nice and warm, the night was peaceful.

Spoiler: Skills (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Herbalist Results (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Relationships Status (click to show/hide)

Why did no one see the Berries were eaten last turn??? You can actually decide if everyone ate Fisherberries for dinner that night if you want, considering that Torish only returned with them after she had finished gathering. There is 7 there to feed everyone... Each berry equals 2 seeds. (Though in truth its not a single berry but a small basket worth and a single seed is actually a handful.)

Quote from: Sam's Day

Spoiler: Actions (click to show/hide)

Survival - Shade looked to Sam's meals while he recovered, bringing him the Rations to him before eating her own...

Work - Hobbling in the direction he had left off yesterday, each hour felt like a flame was riding up his leg, but it didn't lossen, seems like Shades wrapping skill was quite good. On arriving at the place he had left off the Backpack he looked for the exact spot he had left it. Finding it quite quickly, still sealed and undisturbed. Someone must have been watching over him for this to be true. Dragging the Back back with him he reaches the Tent and was back in the bedroll just in time to see Shade moving in under the flap...

Revival - After being cared for by Shade in the morning and being visited by her around lunch, the rest did alot of good, the bandage and poultice (1) began to heal the wound quite well, after a few hours of rest, the pain had gone to a large degree, so he attempted to rise to his feet in search of the Backpack he was forced to leave behind. He cringes in pain but it doesn't stop him...

Spoiler: Items Recovered (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Relationships Status (click to show/hide)

1 - Poultice comes with the Bandages...

Quote from: Shade's Day

Spoiler: Actions (click to show/hide)

Survival - Collecting her Rations this morning she packs her lunch into a backpack for later when she is at the cliffs, though in the end she traveled back to Care for Sam during lunch at ate it there instead...

Morning Work - After a quick talk to Vallan before he disappeared to work on his projects about his poor choice of construction material for his first workshops and being informed that he was going to fix that if Shade would butt out. Passing the Tools to Torish that she ended up using to collect the plants with (1) and then finally found herself standing over the wounded Sam. Who quickly pointed out that he had NOT bleed out, and that it completely slip his (MINE) mind to wake Shade up. Pain being too much and sleep was so nice of a sound. None the less, with Akron's help she started working on it...

*Added by Akron for One Hour. While Akron did aid in working out how bad the wound was in the first 30mins, which turned out shallower then it first appeared but was large enough to cause the bleeding that had happened, the two of them worked on cleaning it after removing the makeshift Bandage Sam had placed on it. After having washed the wound clean Shade shooed Akron out of the Tent a half hour later, even though he said he was off just a moment before hand and began her work on wrapping a bandage around his upper leg. Carefully wrapping the bandage around the wound with a small amount of poultice inside the wound she took her time but easily finished it within the 30mins it normally takes to prep the poultice and wrap the wound. Actually the truth be it, she took an extra few minutes then it needed as her hand slid between his legs. But that's not any of our business why. An Hour and a Half later, She leaves the Tent carrying some Climbing gear and a rope, adjusting her clothing back to the rightful position...

Day Work - Reaching the excavation site she gives Vallan and Etur a wave, though after passing Etur she grumbled something under her breath about him to herself, then set herself in a safe way, with the climbing gear set in the back wall and the rope tied around her waist before beginning to mine more of the Entrance. It ended up taking her 2.5 hours to dig through a tile of stone (2) and in the time she had she was able to bring down only 1 Stone due to some blasted luck with the RUSTED COPPER Pickaxe, though it could have been worse if it wasn't for the Climbing Gear and rope helping alot to keep herself safe when working this close to the edge. (3)

Night Work - Finally just before dinner she sat down with her script and began to take down all the information in the hour she spent working...

Revival - Sleep was peaceful and the night aswell, even more so considering whom was in the Bedroll next to her...

Spoiler: Skills (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Doctor Results (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Items used (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Relationships Status (click to show/hide)

1 - Toolset represents a Basket for a Herbalist when they are gathering giving a -1 Modifier.
2 - Digging has become shorter in exchange of becoming a little harder.
3 - Even with the modifiers used by the rope and climbing gear, you had really shit rolls, there was one which was 1 2 and 2 1s if they were all 1s that would have been a Critical Fail...

Quote from: Akron's Day

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Survival - Breakfast and Dinner IS a Shared meal as you find out over the course of the 3rd day, then again no one is expected to turn up if they don't want to, as he is informed by Shade. Spreading tales of War and Wonder about the few minor Skirmishes back at the Mountainhome did lighten the mood after that though...

Morning Work - You offered to help Shade take care of Sam's wound, aiding in cleaning and preparing the poultice for later. None the less after an hours of work you suddenly felt that you were no longer welcome and just as you were saying you were going to leave, Shade 'forced' you out, with a chuckle you move onto your planned work...

Day Work - Setting up a few piles of clothing that you had coated mud and such to remove the scent of yourself and the others you began to use these bundles as 'Goblin' targets which you began to teach Sheg to attack and control the movements as you order them, the puppy has difficulty in understanding the commands though, and ends up running around attempting to play with his master. Perhaps Training a Puppy for war is a bit too hard. Afterall, it is a Puppy...

Night Work - During night Patrol the Deer Corpse was skinned and cut, though without building a Butchery to do it in, the empty Wagon bed became Akron's Temp Cutting block. He quickly worked out that it would take around 2.5 hours to do three of the main tasks of Butchery, Skinning the Cadaver, Carving the main lumps of Meat off of it, and then finally removing the bones from the harder to carve parts. Sadly having no skill and an improper workplace, the skin didn't come off at all. There must be a way for this to be done right, but it was a good thing that the Skin wasn't too badly damaged from his poor practice. During the Patrols though nothing interesting happen, the night was peaceful.... Too peaceful... Nah just kidding...

Revival - Finally getting his chance at sleep before the others awoke he slept well through the rest of the night...

Spoiler: Skills (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Animal Level (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Relationships Status (click to show/hide)


Well thats Day 3 Done...
Took longer then I wanted to (around 4 or so hours)... BUT HEY... Name a few RP Threads that are this complicated that can update each day, pending on player posts that is...

FAKE EDIT:: Should I spoiler the Quotes??? And do Spoilers Spoiler???
« Last Edit: November 01, 2010, 04:01:21 am by Neyvn »
Quote from: Ubiq
Broker: Wasn't there an ambush squad here just a second ago?
Merchant: I don't know what you're talking about. Do you want this goblin ankle bone amulet or not?
My LIVESTREAM. I'm Aussie, so not everything is clean. Least it works...


  • Bay Watcher
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The hell did I do
Apparently having a redundant creature entry causes the game to say, "Oh, look, it's crazy world now. Nothing makes sense! Alligators live in houses!"


  • Bay Watcher
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The hell did I do

start a romantic entanglement with Sam.

You are a Dwarf...
Quote from: Ubiq
Broker: Wasn't there an ambush squad here just a second ago?
Merchant: I don't know what you're talking about. Do you want this goblin ankle bone amulet or not?
My LIVESTREAM. I'm Aussie, so not everything is clean. Least it works...


  • Bay Watcher
  • It's my greatest creation yet!
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'Start' not 'Whatever that was'.

I'll roll with it, though. And I'll make you regret it. Eventually.
Apparently having a redundant creature entry causes the game to say, "Oh, look, it's crazy world now. Nothing makes sense! Alligators live in houses!"


  • Bay Watcher
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'Start' not 'Whatever that was'.

I'll roll with it, though. And I'll make you regret it. Eventually.
Well I didn't say what happened. Could have been a fight, could have been smex. Who knows, its up to you two, Notice the Lovers??? in the Relationship status???
Quote from: Ubiq
Broker: Wasn't there an ambush squad here just a second ago?
Merchant: I don't know what you're talking about. Do you want this goblin ankle bone amulet or not?
My LIVESTREAM. I'm Aussie, so not everything is clean. Least it works...


  • Bay Watcher
  • It's my greatest creation yet!
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That implies that nobody involved, including the GM knows what happened.
Apparently having a redundant creature entry causes the game to say, "Oh, look, it's crazy world now. Nothing makes sense! Alligators live in houses!"


  • Bay Watcher
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That implies that nobody involved, including the GM knows what happened.
No its implies that its up to the players who are involved to decide what happened in that tent after everyone left...
Quote from: Ubiq
Broker: Wasn't there an ambush squad here just a second ago?
Merchant: I don't know what you're talking about. Do you want this goblin ankle bone amulet or not?
My LIVESTREAM. I'm Aussie, so not everything is clean. Least it works...
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