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So no one wants to know how I do this? Ok then, Quick question, Should I get boring with the Updates, putting in the Results and no Story???

Yes, it takes too long and it will be too big when I read it.
No, take all the time you need, I like the story that comes with each post.
Other:: I will PM you what I think you should do...
OH SHIT, AN OWL!!! ((PS: IF you are thinking of doing something like this, and want to know the Template, PM me))

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Author Topic: Fortress Mode 2.0 :: Your life in a Dwarven Fortress ((Migrants always Welcome))  (Read 26734 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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- Harvested items come in a certain number when grown via a farm, when picked from the wilderness they return enough for ONE Meal, when reading something that reads 2 Pickleberries, this means that there is two lots of Meals out of the Pickleberries...

- Migrant Coin amounts have been set, If I see Metagaming questions from Migrants about the wares of the Fortress the coin amount will be lowered again...

- If you wish to eat at limited amounts, then the food is best to be of higher quality as they will cause a more filling sensation after eating, Hardtack is not an appetizing meal but it does fill the hole for a good bit. Though after a while you will get sick of it...

- I noticed I made a mistake in Day One, I said that the Sun ROSE over the sea but then showed a map with the Sea being to the west. Please just flip the map over in your head until I get around to fixing that...

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Beginning Dice rolls...
« Last Edit: October 30, 2010, 06:58:06 pm by Neyvn »
Quote from: Ubiq
Broker: Wasn't there an ambush squad here just a second ago?
Merchant: I don't know what you're talking about. Do you want this goblin ankle bone amulet or not?
My LIVESTREAM. I'm Aussie, so not everything is clean. Least it works...


  • Bay Watcher
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NAME:: Cheddarius Asdosrodnul-emarsim
USERNAME:: Cheddarius
DEITY:: Tobul Granitegorge
Armorsmith - 4
Weaponsmith - 4
Bone Carver - 2
Huge backpack with frame
Personal Basics
Winter Clothes
Unwanted Kitten
4 weeks of Biscuits
4 weeks of Wine
Medium Shield


  • Bay Watcher
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Quote from: Thread Votespace
If you have posted a Migrant Profile, please redo your items.
Here is the updated sheet.


  • Bay Watcher
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Gosh this is taking a while. D'you want to borrow my D20?
Apparently having a redundant creature entry causes the game to say, "Oh, look, it's crazy world now. Nothing makes sense! Alligators live in houses!"


  • Bay Watcher
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Once again the Day began well for the Dwarves, the rising sun piercing through the fogs of the cliff face and filling the area with a soothing light. The warming days had begun to force the fog to creep back, though it still filled a good part of the lower hills and mountain far to the west, it did mean though that the fog in the immediate area was lighter then the day before. With the morning sun came the Dwarves from their tent, stretching in the cool air before ducking back under the flap for breakfast...

Quote from: Arkon's Day
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Survival - Akron ate quickly before calling his Pup to his side, he had named him Shegumshis during his watch last night and the dog had responded well to it.

Early Morning Work - Taking his time he started training the animal using the methods he had seen back in the Mountainhome that the experienced Animal Trainers had used. After a few hours, the dog would at least return to his side when called and sit when ordered, though more training would need to be done before it could be uses efficiently in combat...

Day Work - After quick meal with the dog he grabbed a piece of charcoal form the dieing firepit and disappeared to a nearby tree. Later after standing back to examine his masterpiece of a Goblin Swordsman drawn on the trees bark. Granted be told, it was shit, but hey it was something to strike at...

Spoiler: COMBAT:: (click to show/hide)
Luck would have it though, one strike would be critical, causing not only the Goblin Swordsman's head to come off but the tree itself to fall...

+1 Tree
Night Work - As night began to fall, Akron began his patrol, though along with his axe he carried a Fishing Rod he had borrowed from the groups surplies, after a few rounds around the campsite he prodded down to the rivers edge where the waters were not quite as fast yet slow enough that for some fool reason he COULD climb back out. Sadly not a bite was to be had all night, perhaps he chose a bad spot, or maybe all the fish were asleep...

Revival - Even though he ended up sleeping between shifts, nothing much happened during the night, much to his disappointment...

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Quote from: Vallan's Day
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Survival - After stuffing his pockets with his days worth of food, he then fills one waterskin with the Months Worth it holds befroe heading off to the river, filling the other with water (for some reason).

Work - Eating his breakfast as he goes he drags of the logs left behind by Irony the other day all the way to his carpenters shop, 2 and a half hours later he shoves his half finished door off the 'bench' and begins to make a bed from one of the 5 logs. He decides on a simple pattern that it will take 5 Parts to make One Bed, though each part comes from the same log. But after 13 hours of work he was only seccessful in finishing ONE Bed. It could have been the fact that the 'bench' he used kept making it difficult to even carve the lumber or that he was still tired from yesterday and his stomach caused him to empty the Water Filled Skin without even realizing it. None the less there is one bed made with no remaining parts... 

Revival - Before falling asleep though he spent 30mins eating a few berries to fill an empty spot that still remained there in his stomach, though he ate 2 meals worth in one go, Torish should be happy with the 4 seeds he was able to get from them by spitting the small pits into a bowl nearby...

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Quote from: Etur's Day
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Survival - Waking early Etur filled one of the free Wineskins with some Booze before disappearing to the Worksite without taking any food with him.

Work - All day he dug even into the night, mining over and over again through the soft soil and into the hard stone. Over and over his pick connected with the stone like a Dwarf gone strange with the touch of the fey. 28 'tiles' later he shook his head clear and began to look around him, he had dug deep into the cliff side but couldn't work out how or when that happened, he felt only slightly hungry and only a bit sore, but none the less soon the sun would rise for the third day and he didn't even remember doing anything for that day alone...

Revival - Stretching his body from all the kinks in it he walked back to the camp to see if he could take a little nap before the others awoke for the third day...

EVENT :: Mining Fey Mood. The Working Fey moods have a rare chance of happening once a season when someone goes to mine/cut wood/etc for more then 20 hours. This will not happen again if it has already happened that season. The Touched Dwarf does not get hungry nor does he get all that thirsty, and gains double the EXP gained from the work. Though while mining they have the same results as a Legendary Miner, but still use their current level dice. They also leave the exact same amount they mined as workable stone...
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Quote from: Shade's Day
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Survival - Enjoying the meals to the best they could be before working it off...

Work - With the help of Torish the possible plants that could be found in the local area were Rat Weed, Rope Reed and Fisherberries. The Rope Reeds and Fisherberries are found in higher concentration near the river while the Rat Weed could be found near the cliffs edge, naturally it could be found everywhere else but not in as much quantity, nor this early in the season. The Trees appeared to be of a few varieties, Willows near the cliff edge and along the river banks and Pine and Birch trees as the land slops down towards the mountains. The stone itself that has been extracted is that of Gabbro while the stone bed of the river looks to be Dolomite pebbles, perhaps the cliffedge is mainly Gabbro while more to the inside is that of Dolomite, but that's of the surface rocks...
The soil is that of just basic clay loam, nothing interesting at this level, but the further you go down the hills you begin to noticed that there is some Sandy Loam there. The creatures in the river are none of the dangerous kind, having been unable to keep up with the water falling from the cliff. But smaller fish that can easily be caught via rod and bait are any and in between, sadly leaving you with not enough knowledge on the fish types...

Finally after you walk around the area, talking to the few that worked there to find out whats what. Except for Etur who seemed to ignore you the whole time. You settle down with some script and begin to take tally of what was brought with you on the trip, what was consumed during and after the arrival and even to the point of what was being brought in yesterday and even today...

Revival - Finally you collapse into a peaceful slumber, feeling that your first step in taking over the Outpost had begun...

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Quote from: Sam's Day
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Survival - Waking early in the morning with lunch and supper meals packed into his backpack he starts his morning with a good enough breakfast.

Early Morning Work - Once again Sam collects some branches to start making some Simple Bolts, making another 12 before placing them into his backpack (as he doesn't have a quiver)...

Work - This time he knew which way to go, traveling southwards he finds some tracks, being careful he follows them deep into the Fog...

After a few hours of tracking this creature he finds what looks to be a small warren in the side of a hill, the tracks he followed appeared to lead into this Warren. He only sat carefully still as the animal came out from its home, the large round creature who's snout bore tusks on either side looked like it held alot of meat on it, and would be able to feed at least 5 dwarves for a few days, or so he thought...

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Struggling to his feet, he lunges at the dieing boar with his Skinning knife, burring it deep into the beasts chest, Silencing the creature. The Wound on his leg is painful. But he was able to rip a bit of his Shirt off to tie it around his leg to lower the bleeding. Getting to his feet again though was a hassle, the bag on his back would be too heavy with the boar and bolts, and cause there is no food in it, he leaves it nearby covered in leaves and sticks. Allowing him to carry the boar back to camp. Well drag...

Evening Work - On his return he is too injured to do any Butchers work so heads to his bedroll and lies down...

Revival - Falling asleep with his current wound on his left upper leg isn't wise, so he attempts to bandage it himself. Its tacky work but it will do, the bruise on his right upper leg though is slowly calming down from the burning pain it was. Sleep eventually comes...
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Item Lost - Huge Backpack with Frame, 35 Simple Bolts lost (In Backpack). Located Southwards

Quote from: Torish's Day
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Survival - No one Ate the berries for breakfast but Vallam did eat them after returning from his work in the evening, 4 seeds were collected as stated before.

Early Morning Work - Spending a quick hour with Shade, Torish pointed out to the Recordkeeper where abouts she found the plants and where they would best grow naturally and what else could be found in the area...

Work - Torish found she could prepare a 3x3 Plot in well under 2 hours but could easily do better and after the 12 hours of work she had prepared 13 3x3 plots. It was a large enough farmland for any seeds she could plant above ground, but it would take a while before she would have enough to plant.

Revival - Sleep was good in the end...
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Quote from: Irony's Day
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Survival - Collecting ones food for the day and eating Breakfast with everyone...

Work - Irony's Axe worked well for the times he could do so, cutting down 5 Willows quickly and spent the last hour dragging them back to the campsite.

Revival - Sleeping went well. Just need to remember to WAKE (POST) before someone nudges him tomorrow...

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Gosh this is taking a while. D'you want to borrow my D20?
Hey my Girlfriend was over, she comes first before you guys and she wanted some attention cause she had finished playing her NDS that I bought her a few weeks ago... (she plays Nintendogs and Brain Age, trying to get her Pokemon soon)
Quote from: Ubiq
Broker: Wasn't there an ambush squad here just a second ago?
Merchant: I don't know what you're talking about. Do you want this goblin ankle bone amulet or not?
My LIVESTREAM. I'm Aussie, so not everything is clean. Least it works...


  • Bay Watcher
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Shade's Standard Schedule, Day 3: THE DAY THINGS WERE CRAZY

3 Hours of Survival - Breakfast, -take Lunch at cliff- and Supper.
13 Hours of Work - Remind somebody that we have a deer corpse that's starting to smell. Remind somebody else that a random boulder isn't a good carpentry workbench. Make sure that they understand that this isn't the Town of Bedrock. Then take to Sam and inspect his wound, clean it out with water, and wrap it in a fresh bandage. I AM A DIAGNOSTICIAN AND WOUND DRESSER I KNOW WHAT I AM DOING. But if it's rotten and he's under threat, CUT IT OFF WITH AN AXE. Regardless of the leg condition, start a romantic entanglement with Sam. IT'S A HEALTHY PATIENT-DOCTOR RELATIONSHIP, PLUS WE'RE BOTH WATER After that's done, equip self with rope and mountain climbing gear, and go to mine the cliff excavation. Show Etur how an ADEQUATE MINER rolls. In the last hour or two go take records of the day.
8 Hours of Revival - Sleeping at night, waking at dawn.

Starting at dawn (6am)

(May change in event of wounding, combat, incarceration or insanity)

« Last Edit: October 31, 2010, 12:11:38 am by Shade-o »
Apparently having a redundant creature entry causes the game to say, "Oh, look, it's crazy world now. Nothing makes sense! Alligators live in houses!"


  • Bay Watcher
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OOC:Since i cannot tell how long it will take for my objectives will complete, can i post my actions as priorities?  The problem is i dont know if i can eat enough for one day with 2 hours or 4 hours, or if i have slept enough to not have wasted a major task. So my declared actions would look like this 1 sleep fully rested 2 eat fully filled 3 construct 1 bed 4 construct door 5 construct buckets untill im out of wood, 6 make mechanisms. Just as an example.

IC:Otherwise my actions are
3 hours eating drinking whatever throughout the day whenever hungry
4 hours power nap on my bed
major task make beds, let the injured dwarf have the next bed if i complete any
4 hours super nap

OOC i dont understand why im failing, am i doing something wrong? how many hours should a bed take? do i need a rock unit instead of a boulder to have a workshop? are my tools taken into account? They looked like rock units on the map .16 hours on one bed seems like a fail. Did i roll bad? is my dwarf a sissy? does he need to be fed and tucked in by his mom? Could i have spend 4 minor actions and made 4 beds? Is there some daily template I should be following with more sleep? If he is a sissy I object, I can work 16 hours a day for 2 weeks at a time with just a tent MRE's and a sleeping bag, dwarves should be hardier than people, at least metal dwarves with endurance, its only day 2. Otherwise if one bed is typical ignore me. since it dosent seems liek anyone not in a fey mood got much done either.
« Last Edit: October 31, 2010, 12:09:28 am by Hastur »


  • Bay Watcher
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Remind somebody else that a random boulder isn't a good carpentry workbench.

It's on my to-do list.
Apparently having a redundant creature entry causes the game to say, "Oh, look, it's crazy world now. Nothing makes sense! Alligators live in houses!"


  • Bay Watcher
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Remind somebody else that a random boulder isn't a good carpentry workbench.

It's on my to-do list.

huh? a rock is what dwarves use in the game, the map shows what appear to be rocks on the riverbank i thought those would work just as well as mining rocks, am i supposed to make a table first? or would working on the ground be better? also it took me like hours to find these rocks apparently


  • Bay Watcher
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The idea is that you need some sort of flat surface to work on, much like a real workshop. You are using a large, round rock.

I'm not supposed to tell you yet.
Apparently having a redundant creature entry causes the game to say, "Oh, look, it's crazy world now. Nothing makes sense! Alligators live in houses!"


  • Bay Watcher
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OOC i dont understand why im failing, am i doing something wrong? how many hours should a bed take? do i need a rock unit instead of a boulder to have a workshop? are my tools taken into account? They looked like rock units on the map .16 hours on one bed seems like a fail. Did i roll bad? is my dwarf a sissy? does he need to be fed and tucked in by his mom? Could i have spend 4 minor actions and made 4 beds? Is there some daily template I should be following with more sleep? If he is a sissy I object, I can work 16 hours a day for 2 weeks at a time with just a tent MRE's and a sleeping bag, dwarves should be hardier than people, at least metal dwarves with endurance, its only day 2. Otherwise if one bed is typical ignore me. since it dosent seems liek anyone not in a fey mood got much done either.
I had my sheets of rolls here somewhere...

Will tell you all now How I roll, for each level you have in your skills you get 1 D6, Dabbling and Novice get 1 dice though Dabbling gets a modifier.

To make a bed part it would take an Hour, meaning at best you could make a bed in 5 hours, less if you roll well..
The DR of each bed part was 4, but having a Shitty Workshop which was a Bolder rolled to have its flatest side up (This is why its shit, its a boulder they ain't shaped) it go a +3 DR onto it, but the tools took of -1 DR, if they were of higher quality then it would have removed more...
Anyway, with Skilled Carpentery you get 4D6, then whenever a 6 is rolled that die is re rolled and continued to be added on, the highest number after all the dice is rolled is the result, so For example 4D6 is rolled, you get 4,4,2,5 the result is 5. This does not hit the DR6 so its a fail, But if 4,4,6,2 is rolled, the 6 is rerolled. This is already a success, but when rolled and it results in another 6 (Which is rerolled again) this counts as another success, meaning thats 2 Parts made in one hour, and so on... The main reason you failed was the Workshop. its an Unworked piece of stone that you are attempting to make something on.

Remind somebody else that a random boulder isn't a good carpentry workbench.

It's on my to-do list.

huh? a rock is what dwarves use in the game, the map shows what appear to be rocks on the riverbank i thought those would work just as well as mining rocks, am i supposed to make a table first? or would working on the ground be better? also it took me like hours to find these rocks apparently
Te reason it took you hours to find is that you were looking for the best kind of boulder there was, you won't find one straight away, you were lucky to find 2 to tell the truth...
« Last Edit: October 30, 2010, 11:58:18 pm by Neyvn »
Quote from: Ubiq
Broker: Wasn't there an ambush squad here just a second ago?
Merchant: I don't know what you're talking about. Do you want this goblin ankle bone amulet or not?
My LIVESTREAM. I'm Aussie, so not everything is clean. Least it works...


  • Bay Watcher
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ok thanks for the insight, in that case can i set up a workshop with rock inside the mountain now? would that be bad? or is rock the same as boulder? is the ground better than boulder?


  • Bay Watcher
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Rocks do not work that way.

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You're going to have to make a regular stone block, or maybe a table or something.
Apparently having a redundant creature entry causes the game to say, "Oh, look, it's crazy world now. Nothing makes sense! Alligators live in houses!"


  • Bay Watcher
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ok thanks for the insight, in that case can i set up a workshop with rock inside the mountain now? would that be bad? or is rock the same as boulder? is the ground better than boulder?
They are stones that have been extracted from the mountain and are cut already to a flatish surface due to how a dwarf mines, Making a Stone BLOCK workshop is even better...

Building a Workshop from a Log is going to result in a shitty workshop, but from Lumber would be better, to make a Log to Lumber the player would need to say they spent time on building the workshop with Toolsets, adding them to the construction of the building.

I need to reword things like this in the op don't I...
Quote from: Ubiq
Broker: Wasn't there an ambush squad here just a second ago?
Merchant: I don't know what you're talking about. Do you want this goblin ankle bone amulet or not?
My LIVESTREAM. I'm Aussie, so not everything is clean. Least it works...


  • Bay Watcher
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if boulder gave me a +3 what would a rock or a block or a wooden table give? I had assumed things worked like in dwarf fortress. Does one unit of wood still make a door or a wooden ring? or is that unrealism out too?
« Last Edit: October 31, 2010, 12:06:13 am by Hastur »
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