Character 1: Hey! You! Lookit me! I can spin webs like a giant robot spider-man! And believe me, if my huge robot hands could bend like that, I'd be flipping you off right now!
Character 2: (shakes fist) Ohh, you whipper-snapper! It sounds like I aughta git over there and teach you some manners!
Character 1: You and what swarm of collosal octegnarian insect monsters, old man?
Character 2: Wait, why are we fighting? You and I have a common enemy in the square-cube law. I men, just look at my cane here with the moon attached to it!
Character 1: You're right! It's such a hassle to repair my collossal legs every few minutes to keep from falling over! Where did you get this awesome cane?
Character 2: Big & Tall & Old & Stuff. It's a great store, my cousin morty runs-
Character 2 and Character 1 sink into the planet through a huge fissue.
Character 1: Ooooh Noooooo!
Scene 1: Security guy looks at technowizard on screen.
Scene 2: Technowizard stares at mechanospider.
TW: Halt! You shall not pass!
MS: *glare*
TW: v2 = v1(l2/l1)3
MS: ..?
MS: <3
Scene 3: TW and MS fall off cliff.
Scene 4: Planet blows up.
Char 1: Welcome to prison, bitch!
Char 2: Go away.
Char 2: ... the hell?
Char 3: RAWR!!!
Char 2: I'M GAY!!!!
Char 3: Me too!!!!
*World Explodes*
Feel free to add scenes to that, the version I got was 9 panels long, but there was no dialog or anything interesting in 3 of them.
So... This guy gets arrested. In South America, and goes to jail. But! When he's taking a dump on the jail-toilet, he's beset by a flying furry-vampire! Action sequence! And then they fell in love. Awwww... There's some BDSM and censored penetration. The furry vampire sure looks concentrated. Now, we zoom out to a view of the world with the moon almost crashing into it! Although it might just be close. You know, for romantic purposes. Action sequence! And the world has exploded. Or it's a squashed grape. You know what? Grape, go with the squashed grape. It's more artsy, and less of an unhappy ending. I don't like unhappy endings.
The End.
Case 1:
Taiwan, Republic of China
Case 2:
Character 1: Hey, would you trade that plate on your head for this here piece of string?
Character 2:What? A piece of string for my wonderful plate? That's theft! And here, thieves go to...
Case 3:
Character 2 (Off-screen): Jail!
Character 1: Oh noes! My butthole!
Case 4:
Character 1:If I get up, that brute over there will sure rape me!
Case 5:
Character 1: I need a Death Trap Of Doom To preserve my anal virginity! With a P, a , and a poorly-drawn rectangle, I may be able to create a Stone Fall Trap, Hurray for Dwarf Fortress!
Case 6
Rock: "Stump"
Case 7:
Character one! Yeah, it worked! Cookies for everyone alive!
I have to say, this is exactly what this is all about. From the clash of titans to international crime drama of the highest kind.
Awards go to the spartan minimalism of Breadbocks and the amazing, one-of-a-kind line, "Cookies for everyone alive!"