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Author Topic: Things that made you go "WTF?" today o_O  (Read 15507858 times)


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Re: Things that made you go "WTF?" today o_O
« Reply #166305 on: February 27, 2025, 11:16:07 am »

Random[1] patterns nevertheless create patterns. If it weren't something apparently aligned to the ecliptic (thus 'special'), it'd be roughly aligned to a perpendicular (thus 'special'). Or, if really unsympathetic to the easiest to please pareidoliologists, it'd be something like phi radians of inclination, or axially aligned with <insert random star here>. Push comes to shove: "why isn't it all aligned with our ecliptic... as it's all equally likely, there must be some hidden reason why it isn't!"

Given we know (or can mostly guess[2]) the orientations of exosolar planetary systems (or binary stars, which, if they have undetected stable systems, probably line up roughly the same), it seems that plenty of systems don't match our own orientation. Might be interesting to remap the CMBR data according to their orientation and try to think like their pattern-finders. Unless we're already subscribing to a geocentric (or heliocentric) model of the entire universe, such that this is 'clearly' irrelevent.

[1] Or, in the absence of the seed, or the exact way that seed becomes the output, effectively Random.

[2] If they're detected by wobble of the star, they're likely to be anywhere from end-on to nearly edge-on. The wobble (or lack of it) perpendicular to the major wobble might narrow down how tilted towards/away they are. If detected by occlusion, then we're on the plane, but would need secondary wobble of the star to narrow down which angle that plane is twisted on.


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Re: Things that made you go "WTF?" today o_O
« Reply #166306 on: February 27, 2025, 11:30:19 am »

As the CMB is essentially the observable limit of the universe, it's appearance is a function of the Earth's position. I would be very interested as to if the CMB looked the same from a different reference frame, creating the same confusion for alien cosmologists.
As the Americans learnt so painfully in Earth's final century, free flow of information is the only safeguard against tyranny... Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master."
— Commissioner Pravin Lal, 'U.N. Declaration of Rights'.


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Re: Things that made you go "WTF?" today o_O
« Reply #166307 on: February 27, 2025, 11:55:45 am »

The radiation background would probably look pretty similar from anywhere "nearby". But I am not sure how far is nearby. It could be just a few light years, or it could be the whole galaxy cluster.

Proxima Centauri would probably still be close enough for it to be basically the same from there.

And I agree with Starver. Humans are very good at finding patterns, even if there is no pattern to find.
For this specific instance, of one half being slightly cooler than the other, we could cut a plane in any direction and one side of the universe would be slightly colder than the other.

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Outer planes are not subject to any laws of physics that would prevent them from doing their job.
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Re: Things that made you go "WTF?" today o_O
« Reply #166308 on: February 27, 2025, 12:21:50 pm »

(Ninjaed by far more rapid response from Mathel... Spent too much time looking for any good 3D plasma sliced into an animation, as opposed to 2D ones with trivial hue-cycling!)

...those aliens who we can best imagine are perhaps 50LY away, perhaps 500. Hard to imagine what an additional 50-500LY of observability, in that direction, would do. Nor what 50-500LY less, when they scan their own CMBR in the direction that's back over in this direction. That'd be a very thin[1] layer within which to reveal entirely new features, or conceal old ones.

Whether 50-500 years of difference, plus or minus, changes the appearance, as well. Not seen any reason to believe that CMBR structures are changing (like a 3D 'plasma' fractal's slices being used as an animation on some nightclub's back wall, just to really mess with those already on drugs). But then the time-slice of the universe that we're still looking at is at the lower end of that time-scale, and we're still improving our imaging of it all.

[1] Of course, however thin, the visual expansion (a form of 'lensing', I suppose) perpendicular expansion makes to thinner. Some estimates have the radius of the universe, concomitant to the CMBR 'age layer', to have been 40 million LY, so[2] a 50-500LY slice/crust of it would be practically irrelevently thin, for our purposes.

[2] Assuming the original in-line position of "what place(s) sent the light we see now" is unaffected, that stretching having roughly kept pace with the stretching of that which originates from the minor offset... which is not a given, but probably gives use the greatest discrepancy, as opposed to tending towards the extreme of presuming that everything expanded the same both axially and perpendicularly so there's no difference at all. ...well, I know what I mean, but perhaps it needs a diagram!


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Re: Things that made you go "WTF?" today o_O
« Reply #166309 on: February 27, 2025, 02:11:00 pm »

Dear Customer:

If you call me asking for help, don't take a fucking phone call in the middle of it while I'm trying to help you WITHOUT EVEN SAYING ANYTHING.

Furthermore, don't cop a fucking attitude with me when the problem I'm trying to help you with is a mess YOU created because you DON'T know what you're doing. Don't fucking claim you know what you're doing when I just demonstrated you don't. Don't tell me you "don't have time for this" when it's your goddamn business you're mismanaging.
Cautivo del Milagro seamos, Penitente.
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When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.
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It's kinda silly to complain that a friendly NPC isn't a well designed boss fight.
Quote from: Eric Blank
How will I cheese now assholes?
Quote from: MrRoboto75
Always spaghetti, never forghetti

Loud Whispers

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Re: Things that made you go "WTF?" today o_O
« Reply #166310 on: February 27, 2025, 02:38:18 pm »

Dear Customer:

If you call me asking for help, don't take a fucking phone call in the middle of it while I'm trying to help you WITHOUT EVEN SAYING ANYTHING.

Furthermore, don't cop a fucking attitude with me when the problem I'm trying to help you with is a mess YOU created because you DON'T know what you're doing. Don't fucking claim you know what you're doing when I just demonstrated you don't. Don't tell me you "don't have time for this" when it's your goddamn business you're mismanaging.
Today I saw a machinist going through the underground ticket barriers with a large machine on a trolley. Instead of going through the double gate three paces to his left that is designed for people travelling with luggage / prams / wheelchairs / trolleys, he decided to push it through one of the many single gates. The gates opened, he pushed the trolley through. The gates use motion sensors to detect when someone has passed through, and unfortunately for him, the gates decided the front of his trolley was someone passing through and shut the gates. The gates closed in between the trolley carriage and the handles, wedging in place. Attempting to push it further did not work. He travelled to the other side of the gates, realising that it would not come lose there either. Attempting to open the gates did not work, as it was wedged. He immediately started shouting at the station staff watching him from within their information office, shouting at them to go back to watching tiktok and watching youtube, getting angrier and angrier, presumably because they did not immediately (and I mean immediately) rush to aid him from the problem he caused and did not seek help for.


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Re: Things that made you go "WTF?" today o_O
« Reply #166311 on: February 27, 2025, 02:58:26 pm »

The toxicity of the Anglosaxon business model trickles downwards. The dude likely gets yelled at in the same way by his slightly superior in similar unfair ways of blaming the underlings for problems the superior caused. It is unavoidable in a culture where 'do what the boss tells you no matter what' is normative.

Over here, there's some business that adopted the model as well. Their employees usually either don't stay there long, or are all expats.
Dutch culture is one of consultation and participation. We call it 'polderen' (a polder is what we call a piece of land we claimed from the ocean).
In national politics, there's constant negotiations between employer union (yes haha, even employers themselves have Unionized over here) and labour unions. In companies, there's obligatory representation of the personell for companies larger than 50 employees. Employees get to convene and negotiate with the CEO and boards, and even can block or adjust company decisions when they are not in the best interest of the employees and company.
Ofcourse, employees on the workfloor do the work they are told to do. But if superior staff does stupid things or management makes bad decisions, workfloor representatives will tell them to clean up their mess. Blaming the underlings for problems you have caused will give you a hard time. Or even get you fired as a CEO and replaced.
Hell, were I work, I am a member of the volunteer council. We convene a few times a year with the management and directors about decisions and changes concerning volunteer workers.
At many levels there's representation
« Last Edit: February 27, 2025, 03:05:48 pm by martinuzz »
Friendly and polite reminder for optimists: Hope is a finite resource

We can ­disagree and still love each other, ­unless your disagreement is rooted in my oppression and denial of my humanity and right to exist - James Baldwin


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Things that made you go "WTF?" today o_O
« Reply #166312 on: February 27, 2025, 03:47:41 pm »

In this case, it was the owner of the business. A man who has used our products since I've worked here (13 years.) A man who after 13 years claimed he did something in the software that when I checked it 20 seconds later, he didn't actually do it despite saying he did. And then tries to shove it off to an employee who has been there like 9 months, who is trying to make sense of the mess his ignorant-ass owner created and continues to create.

That sums up the entire hour-long call in a nutshell.
Cautivo del Milagro seamos, Penitente.
Quote from: Viktor Frankl
When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.
Quote from: Sindain
It's kinda silly to complain that a friendly NPC isn't a well designed boss fight.
Quote from: Eric Blank
How will I cheese now assholes?
Quote from: MrRoboto75
Always spaghetti, never forghetti

Loud Whispers

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Re: Things that made you go "WTF?" today o_O
« Reply #166313 on: February 27, 2025, 06:56:27 pm »

The toxicity of the Anglosaxon business model trickles downwards. The dude likely gets yelled at in the same way by his slightly superior in similar unfair ways of blaming the underlings for problems the superior caused. It is unavoidable in a culture where 'do what the boss tells you no matter what' is normative.
Lol too right unfortunately. Luckily my boss is amazing, but even if he is fantastic we have a work culture of unnecessary matyrdom and general structural dysfunction. The top leadership posts where actual budgetary power & authority to hire and fire resides is treated like a member's only club where friends of the club and family of the club keep getting promoted up, and any consequences of their actions get forwarded on to ground level employees.

It also ends up creating the paradox of the self-valuation ouroboros. No one is assessed on their achievements of research, contributions of funds or qualifications. Rather, they are assessed on how senior they are and how much they are paid. The more seniority you have, the more you are promoted up. For the rest, they will never get promoted, because they never get promoted. If they got promoted, they would get promoted. But they won't, because they won't. This is enforced by the state too, since the state is the largest employer of healthcare workers and the baseline wage-setter that even the private sector uses as a guideline. So it gets very grim if the state decides nurses are unskilled workers, because their productivity is assessed by their salary. According to the government, a nurse does £27,000 worth of productivity, because they are paid £27,000. Therefore they shouldn't be paid well, because they aren't paid well.

I remember during covid they stiffed me out of the starting pay grade I was promised, and kept verbally (but not in writing) promising I'd eventually be brought up to grade 4 - what I was promised to start at. Instead I started grade 2. I was actually struggling to afford to come to work and my health was declining to the point where I told them I would not even be usable to them anymore, and after keeping me on 14 months of rolling contracts temp contracts (the statuatory limit here was 6, and several times they contacted me asking me to come to work only to be surprised when I told them I was no longer employed there & as such no longer allowed to work there), offered me a permanent grade 2. I refused and they offered me grade 3, which I accepted, but immediately kept pushing for grade 4. Around this time, I joined with one lady and two male philippino nurses. The woman was expecting child soon and needed a permanent contract for maternity leave, and couldn't afford to risk fighting them and having her contract delayed / not renewed. So they kept her on grade 2. The two philippino nurses were promised grade 4 as well, but were kept on grade 3. After another year, my health got bricked catching covid, with a month of coughing up blood and phlegm, losing 15% of my muscle mass in that month.

But at least I could actually afford to live decently on pay grade 3. To save on travel fare I just walked 7 miles a day lol. But my philippino colleagues were struggling with travelling costs + the costs of supporting their families, whilst my female colleague was depending on government subsidies (as her pay was so low she still qualified for them - these subsidies being given to people unable to support themselves) and her husband. I kept arguing with leadership, upper leadership started avoiding me, but going through my director I kept arguing that we were structurally discriminating against people based off their race & visa status or gender status, and it was only a matter of time before we got sued and deserved it (we are being sued twice now. They didn't listen to me). I complained about the actual corruption going on at the top and told him I don't care what they're doing, I can't stop them, but we need to look after our own before we let them loot our coffers.
I said it was ridiculous everyone being told that we can't increase their salary by £2,000 when the C-suiters were hiring their neices and nephews on £70,000 salaries despite being unusable for any job. My boss kept trying to assuage me by stressing our collective financial difficulties, the COO told me were were all in the same boat, and my boss stressed that during the pandemic when people were losing their jobs & getting pay cuts I was the only one who got a pay raise. My second boss reminded me how much I costed, to which I replied to both that I was still yet to reach the starting line of what they promised, and I hoped they would view me as an asset not a liability when I cost £28,000 a year but brought in three quarters of a million pounds. This didn't go very far, until at a big Christmas conference event, where all the top research professors were all just mingling together, my boss bumped into another research director and asked him how things were going. This other research director started describing this new technician they were looking to hire, and to my boss's horror he recognised the description as me  ;D

So yeah he put his nose to the grind to "correct historical wrongs," and one of the philippino nurses and I basically ended up spearheading a winter of discontent until our wages got bumped up a grade. What surprised me at this stage, was that after successful negotiations with the bossmen, the greatest resistance we had was not with the leadership, but with the middle-management and doctors. A lot of the nurse managers and the sub-investigator doctors kept trying to convince me to stop organising with other staff, kept arguing to leadership that I and my colleagues did not deserve the pay, kept making very patronising comments to us and behind our backs. A lot of them had been stuck on pay grade 4 for 15 years and were adamant that we were not worth the same as them. When upper leadership brought this to my attention I pointed out that they were correct; they should probably be on grade 7+ lol. So why get mad if I ask for my worth. They tried to convince me to settle for grade 3 in order to avoid pissing off all the long time veterans (pissing them off is a fatal career ender and I like them all, even if they didn't like me). I made it clear everyone would just quit, and sure enough everyone started quitting. I expected they'd only give us all grade 4, so I asked for grade 5 and then we compromised on grade 4. For the long time old guard my boss managed to get them moved up to grade 5, after which they changed their mind about me and apologised!!! LOL!
But I kept on going on, which again ruffled feathers and upper leadership kept distancing themselves from me more and more until they started avoiding me completely. Which was a shame but not much I can do about it. I continued lobbying through my boss to grow our team but they couldn't get any money from the upper leadership released, which was ludicrous considering how much surplus my team was bringing in. But it always felt like one step forwards two steps back. E.g. I accidentally discovered high level corruption & medical fraud in the leadership, which was fortunately being investigated by an outside professor so my NHS boss said keep your head down.
But it disturbed me to find that the fraud was being shielded by the 2nd most powerful person in our organisation and the woman they put in charge of conducting the internal investigation was a former PhD student of the guy accused of fraud, and has a long known history of bullying junior employees. I remember speaking to my boss about a shady cabal trying to build up a case to fire our pharmacist, who had suffered a stroke. My team wanted him put on medical leave so he could claim his pension early, but if he was fired with cause, it would just look like he was incompetent. Upper leadership feigned ignorance, wondering why everyone believed they were coming after our pharmacist, even though they were the only ones with the authority to initiate such proceedings. After industrial action from unions (our research unit has no union representation or activity), they withheld the pay rises of everyone, except themselves, as their pay is set by a separate renumation committee (they are on the committee).

A large number of people continued to have their pay withheld, including me, in what I suspect was retribution for digging too deep into the aforementioned shady corruption. I sent a very threatening email to HR pointing out they are just breaking the law lol and they gave me my money back, but my nurse colleague who had fought with me all the way to grade 4 said he couldn't be asked to fight and fight and fight and just quit to go work at King's College Hospital. When I raised that it was very likely other employees had "mistakenly" had their pay rises withheld, management and leadership both kept telling me they would arrange a meeting with everyone affected, and asked me not to contact people directly to avoid causing an unnecessary scare (they of course, never did conduct any such meetings). Ended up losing a lot of good people who brought in loads of money and helped so many patients because HR wanted to screw them out of pennies. We lost a cardiovascular nurse who brought in a surplus of £600,000 because HR wanted to stiff him out of £1,000. Breh. They kept trying to bring in new hires on grade 2 but eventually me and my dwindling roster of allies managed to get it so new hires would start on a middling grade 3. We stressed this was the bare minimum a skilled graduate with no work experience needed just to afford living in London. Truthfully, they should start on more, but politically speaking we are only allowed so many grade 4s and above. I kept arguing that was stupid and people should be paid what they're worth, not paid what we can bully them into accepting, but such is life.

I've been gone on jury service for 4 months now. I briefly visited work to check on my boss, and tell HR not to terminate my contract whilst I'm still on jury service lololol. I asked him how things were in my absence. He said "things don't improve unless we're all around." In that time I was gone they reverted new hires back to grade 2.
Coincidentally, whilst working there I never recovered from covid, even after 4 years. Being stuck away from work for 4 months, I made a full recovery. Work was fucking me up that badly lmao. It's just a constant kafka-esque circus "oh we all have to make sacrifices, that's why we drove this world class nurse away. We just don't have money to spare for an expectant mother who is great at her job and exceeded all targets. But then they give six figs to people who nearly bankrupted us, are nakedly corrupt, we even had one manager who was so bad she got fired - and after we fixed the deficit she left behind, they brought her back and used our surplus to promote her. Alas, I constantly run into the never-ending emotional whiplash of being praised for good results and saving the unit from bankruptcy only to be told there's no money and I haven't done enough.
I remember having a very hilarious deadpan interview with two directors and one of the nepotism-hire managers. The nepotism manager asked me why I thought I could do the job when I applied for a higher grade job posting. I gave a very eloquent description of why I could do the job, because I was doing the job every day. For them. LOLOLOL. One of the co-directors literally told me it wouldn't have been possible to get our unit solvent again without the efforts of people like me, only to follow it up with a disparaging comment about how I did not do enough to justify grade 4. I commented that grade 4 is given to a graduate with no work experience, according to our own pay scale. So I asked what I would need to do to justify grade 4, writing down everything they said, after pointing out that in multiple trials I was #1 in the country for patient randomisation & recruitment. He just gave this deflating sigh like "yes I know this is stupid but I don't control the purse strings." You can literally be the best in the country and be told you need to get better. But you can literally be unusable and never stop getting promoted. I have managers attached to my work who go to conferences talking about the great strategic leadership they gave me, and I have never seen them once in my life >_<


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Re: Things that made you go "WTF?" today o_O
« Reply #166314 on: February 28, 2025, 01:49:41 pm »

So Trump decreed that the official language of the US is english.

How are they going to manage that? Almost no one in the US speaks english.
Friendly and polite reminder for optimists: Hope is a finite resource

We can ­disagree and still love each other, ­unless your disagreement is rooted in my oppression and denial of my humanity and right to exist - James Baldwin


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Re: Things that made you go "WTF?" today o_O
« Reply #166315 on: February 28, 2025, 01:56:21 pm »

As we all know, it's only english if it comes from the england region of france, otherwise it's just sparkling saxxon.

Loud Whispers

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Re: Things that made you go "WTF?" today o_O
« Reply #166316 on: February 28, 2025, 02:07:04 pm »

As we all know, it's only english if it comes from the england region of france, otherwise it's just sparkling saxxon.
I heard American accents are more closely related to the original English accent than the current English accent, so I'd love to get a time machine and watch Shakespeare in texan


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Re: Things that made you go "WTF?" today o_O
« Reply #166317 on: February 28, 2025, 03:01:53 pm »

(LW is, of course, aware that 'original English accent' is as nebulous as 'Springfield, USA'.)

((And the (English) Pilgrim Fathers/Mothers came from Bedfordshire, Cambridge(shire?), Essex, Hampshire, Hartforshire, Huntingdonshire, Kent, Lancashire, maybe-London, Norfolk, Northamptonshire, Nottinghamshire, Shropshire, Somerset, Suffolk, Sussex, Worcestershire, Yorkshire and a whole bunch of unknowns, plus those born in or after the Netherlands 'stop-over'. We really need to know what Peregrine White spoke like.))


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Re: Things that made you go "WTF?" today o_O
« Reply #166318 on: February 28, 2025, 03:05:21 pm »

So Trump decreed that the official language of the US is english.

How are they going to manage that? Almost no one in the US speaks english.

I thought it already was. So did he decree something that was already done, or did they not have an official language?
The shield beats the sword.
Urge to drink milk while eating steak wrapped with bacon rising...
Outer planes are not subject to any laws of physics that would prevent them from doing their job.
Better than the heavenly host eating your soul.


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Re: Things that made you go "WTF?" today o_O
« Reply #166319 on: February 28, 2025, 03:17:23 pm »

It's never been codified, just habitual. In 1795, they nearly made a law to have official documents also copied in German (to cater for another substantial proportion of the population), which has become the basis (together with later versions of it) ETA: of a common myth that the country nearly became officially German-speaking.

That's federally. Some states have implemented their own official language in statute(as English, with or without others acknowledged)
« Last Edit: February 28, 2025, 08:32:59 pm by Starver »