Why are the two of you fighting your dashing Picardine looks hiding under the failed hirsutism?
We both rather like our hair really. My brother could probably rock the bald with a beard look if it comes down to it, but he's no where near that point yet. Too hairy to shave, but thinning enough to feel self conscious, which is a tricky spot and hair serum might help him.
I on the other hand would need to sort out my beard plucking issue before I would even consider going bald. I need some hair on my head to offset my pasty white skin. Besides, other than the forming widow's peak I still have a good head of hair. The widow's peak does however fuck with my natural curls, so I can't wear my hair long without it looking incredibly stupid,* which is why I stopped growing it out years ago.
*I used to have shoulder length natural ringlets. Hair would just naturally fall into them when allowed to air dry from wet, or after the natural oils got a chance to build a bit between shampoos. When my peak started to form the fringe went from falling down as 5-8 distinct curls of hair with a nice spread of volume into one mega-curl that ran down the middle of my forehead and would rest on either side of my nose. It was not a great look, and trying to fix it would have required way more effort than I was willing to put in to my hair.