Bay12 is experiencing an extremely-high influx of visitors (will attach image later). Holy shit. 3917 peak, as of this posting. Did someone big mention DF? Did DF just release on Steam?
If that's the case, we just got Slashdotted. ~20 minute downtime because of the ludicrous traffic.
Edit (5:11 pm UTC+8) : Still ongoing. Whatever the server people did to make the servers more stable (compared to what happened in 2019), they've done an amazing job. We're still going! 4204 peak!
Edit 2 (5:37 pm UTC+8): Okay, I think the numbers are back to normal now. I've taken many screenshots documenting this odd event. I won't promise it, but I'll probably release the data of the number of active people over time for this event if I get around to doing that. For the record, the current peak (to make searching easier: Most Online, Users Online) is 4417, set on 19th of May 2021, 05:16:15 pm UTC+8.
Edit 3: So if I got my data right, there was a sudden jump in active whatevers so high that it crashed the server for ~20 minutes, then when it went back online, it showed an absolutely monumental amount of people, 3817, at first screenshot (timestamp unreliable). Then it climbed higher and higher, hitting a peak of 4417. After that, the count began a 15-minute decline back down to normal levels. This is consistent with a large influx of users. It wavered a little bit as the number fell, but I'll wait to look through the screenshots and extract data before I'll make any judgements on that.