LMAO okay, I bet you use the word muso--
oh wait, holy shit, you actually did-- and play in a pub rock/touhou covers band or some shit.
So, it's clear that you have no clue what I mean by scene, but I get the impression you're being wilfully ignorant about the rest of what I said, too. Sure, musicians "can have opinions outside their music". Of course. The thing is, this isn't the '80s any more. The internet is a thing. Just about every band/artist out there has at least one social media page, in other words, a platform by which to express whatever views they may hold.
And, on the flip side, just about every listener has the means to look up the bands they follow on said social media, and if said band or artist has decided to use their platform to express those "outside opinions", how is the listener supposed to reconcile that with their songs about snake demons, rogue wizards, love/sex or whatever?
I'm not going to waste any more time on explaining these things to you, given the aforementioned wilful ignorance. FFS, you literally said I was "complaining about there being politics in the music side of things, while simultaneously saying they shouldn't because they're basically clowns". You've never been very bright, but this is impressive even for you, haha. I never said any of those things, and-- wait, never mind, you are already well aware that I never said any of those things. At least, I should certainly hope so.
If not, perhaps go back and re-read my posts more carefully this time.