Dont have a choice, it's windows 10, there's no way to turn off automatic updates. I left it running while I helped move stuff inside downstairs and it must have decided to restart because I didn't press the button to postpone it.
It's okay, I can return to dwarf fortress sometime next week.
guys you can just make it think your internet is a metered connection, and it won't even ask to update, even less so update automatically
Pray tell, how would one go about doing that?
I'd have about Buckley's chance of finding any useful options like that in the roiling chaotic mass that is Windows 10.
My laptop almost fell victim to an auto-update last night whilst I was on the can and unable to stop it, but fortunately it wasn't too late.
As for why I don't like updates, well, I can't say whether it's malice or incompetence but Microsoft's updates tend to be fucky in the extreme.
I get the feeling their idea of how they should be developing their platform and what I want from an OS are very, very different, too. Windows has been going steadily downhill with every iteration they release, with uglier, less-convenient UI changes and clunkier built-in programs, so I'd wager updates are probably similar. Plus, you have to worry if your computer is even gonna wake up from its update coma or not.
If you ask me, the last "good" version of Windows was... well I dunno, I can't remember how much time I actually spent with each version. I know XP was aight, I think Vista was maybe okay too? I'd have to look at pictures of their UI to be sure, but the last few have been absolute useless piles of shit and I wish I could upgrade back to XP or somethin'.
God, they even fucked up
Paint. How do you even fuck up so badly as to ruin something so simple? Arrgh.