Holy shit yes, tell her the door is still intact and functionning. Giving people shit for her own fuck up, wth.
Well, technically the screws holding the handle in place have come loose and you can't actually pull on it anymore without ripping the whole thing out of the wood... But if you're careful, the door does still function.
It's also 100% in her name, as she owns the apartment and all two of its doors. Even the windows!
I can't really do much about the handle because I'd need to have the door open in order to do that, and we can't have the door open for any length of time when it's messy inside, because people might see. And it's always messy inside.
She didn't actually give me shit, but she got her "I'm not angry at you, I'm angry at this uncompleted chore which only coincidentally is assigned to you" voice and the available walking room in the kitchen is definitely hampered by the pile of paper/cardboard waste, which it is unofficially officially my job to take out, and I didn't feel like waiting around to hear that connection being made.
Although I can't actually take out the paper/cardboard waste right now, because it's sitting in a couple cardboard boxes that she apparently has plans for? I dunno.I mean, the floor's kinda shit anyways,
especially in the kitchen, and it's always been a long-term plan to replace it with something a bit better and more water-resistant than those snap-into-place laminate platters... But she's got this hangup about wetness getting into the floor because the floor doesn't tolerate wetness very well and it was a really long and exhausting day putting it all in, so if anything gets ruined then everything gets ruined and she'll have to do it all over again. She also sorta has a tendency where if something bad happens, it's the worst thing it could ever possibly be. Also most likely targeted directly at her personally because the universe hates her and she's perpetually unlucky and everything bad always happens to her. Again, didn't want to be around to hear about it.
She was kinda all over the place yesterday... Seething fury to cute-talking the dogs to frustrated sorrow to more rage. Probably the stress of today being her first day back at work since the 21st.