Experience suggests that latin american telenovelas are like crack cocaine for older mothers. You're a better son than I am for actually trying it, I just headed that shit off at the pass the moment I saw it creeping into conversations with my own mother.
You're telling me. She's up to episode 134 now... apparently this series goes for around 180.
It's so bad that only very occasionally does the quality
improve to the point that it briefly enters "so bad it's good" territory. Generally just when there's some really over-the-top ridiculous goof, like someone getting punched brutally for about five minutes straight on-screen, then being left with just one small, artistically-placed trickle of blood from a lip - which was obviously not water-soluble paint considering it's still there after a scene where he thoroughly washes his battered face.
Or the moment where someone walks up to an armed guard and asks to "take a look" at his shotgun, then when he inexplicably agrees and hands it over charges inside to take pot-shots at a cheating spouse. I don't think anyone's actually
been shot in this show unless they were a nameless character introduced specifically for the purpose, either - the shot in question took out a ham on a nearby platter, presumably for comedic effect. Believe me, there are
plenty of "dramatic" scenes involving people leveling guns at each other, too.