BTW there seems to be a moral panic / conspiracy theory growing about some social media / forum games going around, saying kids kill themselves because of them. The media is very credulous, however fact checkers like Snopes note that not a single case was proven to have any connection to the games or the groups, despite the media claiming over 130 deaths were caused by playing the games: Russian sources said that 130 people were in the
groups where the game is played, and that got translated as 130 kids killed themselves because of games in the Western media, without any fact-checking. Also, investigators looked into it, couldn't identify even
one person who killed themselves that was linked to the forums, let alone the game itself.
The story is making new rounds with the media credulously reporting the one above, but now it's linked to a Slender-man like character called Momo: you can never discount the possibility, it's almost certainly complete bullshit this time, the same as it appears to have been complete bullshit the first time. Some of the authorities have complete comprehension failure about it. Pakistan has passed a law "banning" the game and other "suicide games", apparently not understanding that it's a facebook chat thing and not a game you can buy.
Man I'm pretty sure we could start a media story that bay12 is the suicide game capital of the USA. You get your commands from Grisha.