Spisskumin, also spisskum, spisskummen or spisskarve (karve is caroway, something completely different. So they just named cumin as "pointy caroway" because fuck it, close enough) is also known as kreuzkümmel in German. Because if being pointy wasn't enough, now it needs to be a cross as well. Today we learned that cumin is actually nature's shuriken.
Also, according to to the Big Norwegian Lexicon (which hilariously gets abbreviated to "SNL" in the website address), the "spiss" is actually from some ancient fuckoff root of "spice"... Because it is a spice. Note that "spiss" is not used for "spice" in any other circumstance that I know of.
So it's not that they felt the need to indicate that this was a particularly pointy cumin, or even a cumin meant for eating, but they just wanted to make absolutely clear that this is the spice kind of cumin, as opposed to the other kind of cumin, which is likely a laundry detergent.
And it's weird... Scandis do actually have a lot of very inventive/flavorful dishes, it's just that the standard fare is incredibly dull and grey. Like, there were people who went "Hey, let's put caroway seeds in cheese, that'd be cool! Also let's call it KEY CHEESE so people understand what it is!", and of course aquavit is a massively spiced schnapps that has all sorts of curious mixes infused into it. We also like to pair gamey meats like deer with cranberry jam, and Norwegian Christmas ribs are a thing of beauty if done correctly.
It's just... When other traditional dishes are "MUTTON AND CABBAGE", "MUTTON AGAIN, BUT NO CABBAGE" and "COD, BUT IT'S JIGGLY AND SMELLS LIKE FARTS"... Yeah. Like, the big sides of lutefisk are just mushy peas and butter, and lutefisk really doesn't taste like anything on its own. The entire meal is generally just considered to be an excuse to drink more aquavit, because aquavit is so massively overpowering in its flavor and alcohol content that it will slice straight through everything.
But garlic is fuckin' scary, mate.