Free-ranged poultry and cattle products creating an industry that attempts to retain a diverse ecosystem to provide fodder for the animals in question.
... Wot. Not sure what you're from but here it's just "room to move".
That sounds more like ecologist stuff.
Short of veal, (which is not even weaned calf, trapped in a cage, and forcefed milk, and prevented from moving so its muscles dont develop tone), basically all cattle are "allowed to move around freely."
Free-ranged, at least as I have seen it, involves animals that get to move around, and eat things growing wild, or that they come across. For chickens, this is things like grass, grasshoppers, weeds of various types, et al--- chickens running around being chickens until you decide to butcher and eat them. For cattle, this is cows who's only modification is getting their nards chopped off so they dont taste gamey-- but otherwise allowed to eat prairie grass, and wander around huge ranches. The local ones look a bit like this, even though this one is in Montana, and the local ones I know of are in rural kansas:
Here's one of the local ones, (Flying W), but from the looks of it, they have over-pastured on this section. (Lots of yarrow, which cows wont eat because it is very astringent/bitter, and coarse. It grows on depleted soils that lack crowding from healthy grasses. Not all ranchers really know what they are doing, sadly.)
When I say "Free range chicken", this is what I mean.
Note that the grass is not some manicured monoculture, and no real effort to kill bugs is in effect. (though, as mentioned, the ranchers might not manage their properties well, resulting in poor biodiversity, and poor pasturage from neglect. Still much more diverse than monocropped veggies though.)
As long as the ranchers are not
absurd in their practices, and reject feed-lot based ranching (what is pictured in the preceding link), you dont get the type of conditions that vegans find objectionable. The deal is that you can get many times as many cattle per acre by using the absurd practices, and those beholden to the all-mighty dollar (the *REAL* problem in meat production is the slavish devotion to maximize profits, by increasing yeilds beyond sustainable levels in this way) will naturally think the fucking sick and stupid practice of feed-lot cultivation is "The way to go!"
So, when I say I prefer free-ranged meat, because it has better texture, flavor, and retains land in a diverse ecosystem, I mean exactly that. I am willing to pay extra for it, so that it can compete in the market with the absolute **SHIT** that the greedy ass fucks doing feed lot based factory culture, and purchase from known good suppliers wherever possible.