It's cult indoctrination, I tell you!
Whoever the hell said they found vegans arguments “hallow”:
It’s “hollow”. The arguments are marred by some underlying weakness, and are (probably) not consecrated in any fashion.
Pedantry gets my first and foremost thumbs up!
I just do not like industrial farming. Without emotions using logic it is an illogical practice that the majority of you find easy because you are hidden from the reality. Especially you city folk you grew up in the machine.
I've done it and grown from my mistakes... I hope some of you can at least understand and maybe one day change your viewpoints.
This sounds SUPER preachy! I'm a born farmboy, and also I've worked in industrial farming, and now I live in the city.
Know what's changed? I eat free range.
Well, that and my country has an awesome manplace/animalplace ratio, so there's not a gigantic amount of factory farming.
I find myself strongly seeing a need for reduced population and reduced population density, to overcome these problems, because those problem exist because more sustainable techniques are less space and energy efficient, and human habitation encroachment is a major factor.
Humans don't
like "kill the humans" as an idea. Especially not if they're the humans being killed.
If you manage to make a Hollywood blockbuster showing the successful implementation of a voluntary human cull, then that'd be just gold.
My thoughts? Do like Japan. 2D waifus and sexbots for everybody. Population successfully reduced.
The wtf is that one side of the argument was advocating communism. Communism! Wtf. There were quite a lot of them too (admittedly mostly young folks from the US).
I used to love the idea of communism.
Took me playing that election game realise that socialists are usually poor or dumb or both, because the rich smart ones do well in a capitalist society.