... that feeling when you find out someone you're living with went to the hospital at 1 AM, when someone living elsewhere calls for a check in around half past 2. The phone ringing at two in the morning is WTF enough when there's not been hella' bad weather (about the only time that happens normally is when a tornado has touched down and is heading in our town's general direction), but the whole no one tells you family was going to the ruddy ER at a hour past midnight thing is pretty rough, too.
Can sorta' understand part of the why,* but... seriously. Tell people about these things as some kind of step one, bloody hell. Know most of it isn't even remotely intentional, but it's still pretty damn frustrating when folks don't tell you about this kind of stuff
Stroke of luck (?) I had lost track of time playing something, otherwise the call might not have woke me up. Sounds like whatever it is isn't major major, so it's possible I might not have found out about the ER trip at all otherwise.
* The third person in the house is old, it's obviously late/early, and when I went looking for them they were asleep sitting down, the person that actually took 'em was probably distracted and is forgetful about that sort of thing, and friggin' somehow (TVs still on, mostly, I think) the one that went left the house without me hearing the door open.