Whoa, surreal ass moment just now, so the setup is I recently got super into like actually drumming because I've apparently been a drummer this whole time right?
So I whittled some sticks, bought some, got a little collection on the wall by me now, and I've got various practice pads/homemade drum rigs and such I tinker with, at the moment I've got a weird mismash of a sobakawa pillow, a three-different-rebound practice pad, a styrafoam and discarded shower curtain triangular lap drum tensioned with parts of what I think was supposed to be a cat toy and some sinew from some dreamcatchers I got asked to help make a while back, and a rudi-pad up top with uh, seven or eight chip clips, and two small bags of those "do not eat" silica gel beads all finagled together in a weird looking roughly baby-sized drum that packs a surprising range of tones and resonances and rattles and such so it's fun to just sit and ta-tika-ta-tika-ta-tika-ta-tika-ta-ba-rum-kish-tha-ba-boomph while reading and whatnot.
Recently picked up a little skinny pair of vater 7a manhattans to play with, and a big fat like 2b sized "rock" pair from some cheapo brand to hit the free shipping cutoff, and naturally I'm having a blast with these little whippy jazzy sticks.
So like, I've been playing so much lately that it feels weird to reach out and touch stuff without a drumstick sometimes, but on the other hand when the power went out from the Harvey leftovers it's not a problem to keep drumming in the dark since my brain "thinks" in hand+drumstick lengths lately.
So here's the wtf part: I set my little whippysticks down to demonstrate something to the missus and went to just do a couple of triplet loops and back down to the snare-ish bit of the triangledrumthing with my hands all bongo style, right?
Except the instant I start playing with my hands they feel like they're easily twice as wide and like two thirds as long as usual, BUT IT GETS WORSE IF I LOOK, FUCKING THINGS SEEM TO EXPAND THREE OR FOUR TIMES LATERALLY AND SHRINK DOWN TO HALF NORMAL LENGTH!
Is this just a thing that drummers don't talk about because it's so goddamn weird, or mostly due to the more narrow practice pad setup I've got, or what?