I'll explain a little further: This isn't some moral issue with hand-milking cows. There's a lot of rather gruesome damage that sometimes occurs from industrial milking. I get the impression that it's avoidable, and I'd like to believe most cruelty-free farms avoid overmilking and avoid the damaging practices.
I still drink milk though, in fact I'd kinda put all this out of my mind... I still eat meat occasionally, so it's especially hard to imagine cutting out dairy. What I ought to do is buy local, there's a farm nearby that I'm pretty sure wouldn't do anything like this. I could find out, and be okay. But I don't drink much milk, mostly eat cheap cheese, so it'd only help a little.
At least I can buy free-range eggs (but it's restrictive to avoid consuming industrial chicken meat). It's all pretty frustrating... I kinda hated the protagonist in Silent Running for being a food snob instead of just a preservationist. Everyone was vegan in that movie, he just wanted veggies instead of cruelty-free paste lol. I don't care about eating animals, or their population levels, I just hate that we force animals to live in truly nightmarish conditions. They'd absolutely be better off dead. Yet I often support factory farms by buying cheap.
Not sure why. I was lightly teasing Yoink, and also bacon wrapped steak is delicious. And so is whole milk. I can drink a gallon of milk in two days.
Heh I could do that as a kid, now it takes me about a week to drink a half gallon. Probably since I treat it like a snack instead of a regular meal-item.
Also the window guy came back into my apartment unscheduled but I DGaF anymore, he saw some mess, whatever.