While simultaneously calling him a liar? Context????
Did you ever actually look at the post I linked, or are you basing it all off of what I said?
The Reddit link you posted ages ago?
this, where Tryndamere says he'll "post the reality" of it, that the Pendragon hate is based on "falsehoods", that he's tried not to "throw others under the bus" (which he then proceeds to do), then continues to imply that Icefrog is a liar and charlatan for the rest of the post while using his real name, that one, which is the context I'm referring to.
Maybe this isn't worth arguing about.
Maybe if peoples' only argument wasn't "why do you even care" I wouldn't be so mad?? Especially since my reasoning becomes clear upon taking even a modicum of actual effort into arguing instead of trying to go "you're freaking out over nothing and the things you care about are meaningless"??
Read that link.
Actually read it. It's pretty clear he's trying to use his personal army to throw IF under the bus. They're not biting, so it's ineffectual, but that doesn't make it not completely horrible.
And stop trying to deescalate with stuff like that, it's
the reason I am not happy right now, because when you say it's "not worth arguing about" or similar you're essentially saying it's
not worth talking about, when I
pretty fucking clearly don't think so. It just adds something else to argue against.