Just spent 10 hours putting together a computer for a friend. Expected to take maybe 3.
I think I've been out of the computer building game too long. Used to be a case had this wide open expanse of workable space a couple shelves for drives and otherwise is just a big metal box. Stuff like that was why I went into working on computers instead of learning how to work with cars or robotics, I like having a lot of room to work.
Today (and the tail end of yesterday) I probably spent a good 6 hours just trying to run wires from the power supply, through small holes that could only accurately be described as ventilation ducts, because the case manufacturer decided the power supply needed it's own separate minicase inside the case with no direct access to the rest of the computer. The drive rack also had it's own little mini case, but at least that just had some small holes I had to dislocate my fingers to run sata cables through instead of ductwork.
It had a cool little hanger for SSD drives that I thought was cool, but when I tried to install it in that I found I would have to completely remove the power supply to access the screwholes it needs, so I just salvaged an adapter from my buddy's old computer to mount the ssd in the HDD rack, because I was not gunna run those cables again.
Then we spent half an hour trying to get his DVR drive put in the thing only to find that not only does it not have any slots big enough to hold the drive, the front of the computer is completely taken up by fans, so the case is designed to be literally impossible to install a optical drive in. Fortunately the copy of windows 10 that we kept on the hard drive he was transferring over to 'see if it works right off the bat' did in fact work right off the bat, and while it did need reinstalled the restore partition was perfectly up to the task, so we didn't need the optical drive.
I never want to build another computer again. Why are case manufacturers trying to make the inside of their cases look 'nice' now? Nobody's going to be seeing it except the person putting it together, and I'd rather not have random sheets of metal blocking wiring for no good reason.
EDIT: I am now talking to my friend through text messages and it turns out his sound isn't running properly. Only coming out one earphone. so something tells me I messed up an audio connector to the motherboard somewhere and I'll probably need to go back and look at it. Armok help me.