Pretty sure we've had fanfic/fic of the fur/scale/whatever sort being written long before publishing em became a thing. Humanity will survive.
That feeling you get when you drink milk and are lactose intolerant. Mind you, it was supposed to be lactose free or something, maybe lactose light. That is what you get when accepting what family gives you at face value, rather then checking it closely.
On another note, recently tried out the fancy cruise control vehicle on a newer car. I... don't really like it. Not used to taking slight-medium curves while not controlling the speed myself, despite the fact that I fundamentally go into them the same way/speed while on manual.
It also explains why people don't slow down while going uphill, but do when going downhill though. I hate that, passing me while going uphill, then slowing down on the downhill so that I easily catch up... and going slower then my preferred speed the rest of the time they are in front of me.
Another driving thing, 3 line roads, where one side splits into 2 lines when going uphill... when I make a left turn on those roads, yes, I put up the turn signal pretty early... People still slow down behind me, rather then switching over to the right lane, when there are no vehicles in the right lane... even when there are also no other vehicles behind.
It boggles me everytime.
(And yes, my turn signals do work.)