Watched an Anti-Christ movie...
You know... for the Anti-Christ he isn't all that bad... SURE he organized all world religions to worship him
But he also established lasting world peace...
I mean he murders a few people and has mind control powers... But the sheer number of people he has saved alone...
I thought the anti-Christ was supposed to be like... pure evil or something. But currently he is further down the evil scale then Obama.
That's pretty much consistent with the biblical account of the thing, neo. Critter's supposed to more or less be indistinguishable from Christ and bring the appearance of world peace (which, let's face it, might as well just
be world peace). Would bring more good to the world and commit less sins than your average pope. Somehow this is a bad thing/will lead to a bad thing, and so god comes in and lays waste to everything.
Anti-christ is never really portrayed much as what we'd particularly consider evil, from a human/mortal perspective -- its shtick is supposed to be leading people away from god, not making lives miserable/doing evil things, and a peaceful world and food on the table'll do more to lead people away from the empty blessings of priests than a thousand torture sessions. Would probably be better for humanity as a whole, at least insofar as living ones are concerned, than god, really.
So far as I'm aware, that's considered more or less the most insidious part of th'thing. It comes with the face of the savior, with blessings and good turns greater in scope and substance than any the god or priests has brought in the last few millennium. S'part of the really insidious aspects of an eschatology focused belief system -- it tells you that as things get better, things are actually getting
worse. That curing cancer, stopping conflict, and extending lifespans is a preordained sign of the end times. Causes some incredibly self-destructive behavior, heh...