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Author Topic: Things that made you go "WTF?" today o_O  (Read 15432148 times)


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Re: Things that made you go "WTF?" today o_O
« Reply #81840 on: July 27, 2015, 07:11:33 pm »

Eh, I don't get the whole "After a hundred years, I'm done," thing, myself. I mean, if I'm not dying of old age, then I see no reason to stop. It's not like I'm going to pick an arbitrary date and go "Yep. That's the last day I'll be alive!"

I mean, I want to be alive tomorrow, and I see no reason why tomorrow I'd want to die the next day. I see no reason why this would stop anytime in the next few billions of years, barring physical or mental damage.
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Re: Things that made you go "WTF?" today o_O
« Reply #81841 on: July 27, 2015, 07:11:38 pm »

Just sayin', but if we hit that level of transhumanist tech where there was no difference after surgery from a natural-born body, I'd probably change my sex and drastically alter my appearance at least annually (assuming it wasn't prohibitively expensive) just for a change of pace. Biological immortality would be pretty sweet too, natch.

As an asexual, I suppose you can only think of such things, but not feel them? Because what you said is rational, whereas sex (in both its meanings) isn't.
Actually I don't know if I'm really asexual.  I feel all the normal stuff (pansexually) and really enjoy flirting.  But when I get too close to anybody romantically I lock up, shut down, and flee.
I don't really know why or what it means.  Just that every time I try, I just hurt someone new.  Fortunately there's so much else I'd rather care about, hence "asexual".  Being comfortable without sex might count, IDK.

Hating gender definitions is a separate thing I think.  I interact with people online and they're defined by their opinions, writing style, hobbies and media interests...  Then I go outside and most people look like walking stereotypes.  Of course they're real people with depth, but I have trouble seeing that beyond "Hey I'm a girl lol" or "Yo dude I'm a guy".  It's maddening.  The issue is with me though...  Except that I also want people to be treated fairly, ideally.

Ugh, I've been super restless all day.  I have to go running like now.  (Or get drunk, but nah... maybe afterwards)

17 new replies lol, I'll catch up later.

By the definition you've given, you're probably neither asexual nor aromantic, just socially awkward. Convincing yourself that nookie doesn't have to be a primary motivation for how you live is actually fairly easy, and IMO it's not an unhealthy way to live at some stages of life as long as you're still getting whatever level of social interaction and physical contact you need to be happy.

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Re: Things that made you go "WTF?" today o_O
« Reply #81842 on: July 27, 2015, 07:13:17 pm »

I dunno, Descan, my mortality is one of the reason I haven't committed suicide yet. If somebody made me immortal I'd probably just kill myself.
she/her. (Pronouns vary over time.) The artist formerly known as Objective/Cinder.

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Re: Things that made you go "WTF?" today o_O
« Reply #81843 on: July 27, 2015, 07:14:12 pm »

Eh, I don't get the whole "After a hundred years, I'm done," thing, myself. I mean, if I'm not dying of old age, then I see no reason to stop. It's not like I'm going to pick an arbitrary date and go "Yep. That's the last day I'll be alive!"
I figure it's better to die too soon than live too long. That way you get to dodge the existential terror of being absolutely useless in every conceivable way.
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Re: Things that made you go "WTF?" today o_O
« Reply #81844 on: July 27, 2015, 07:15:07 pm »

It's personal preference. For instance, I prefer flat chests to the alternative, probably due to watching/reading anime/manga where breast size is usually hilariously oversized.

And say, for size, I prefer taller to shorter.

But, you see, it's really just "whatever" and these are just physical characteristics. A hell of a lot goes into determining who we're attracted to, more than what we're aware of.

@Rolan: You're similar to me then, I guess.
Gender is the identity, not the biological characteristic. In nature it's sometimes what determines the biological traits, in Clownfish I believe.

Left... Huh, that's ironic. To me.

Because traunshumanists can do AWESOME stuff. Really, I'd just like infinite time free of worries to do what I want to do. Like properly learn to draw, or play the piano, or write, or laugh.

@Cinder: I hope you get its consent first, before you fuck it. :v
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Re: Things that made you go "WTF?" today o_O
« Reply #81845 on: July 27, 2015, 07:15:57 pm »

I kind of remember this sci-fi (not so distant future) setting where this sentient AI teddybear exists.

Basically it was marketed as a toy for children and basically is programmed to love and take care of them to a certain extent but it is a mostly immobile robot.

But what I find most interesting is how the setting just folds in this aspect. No one actually throws out their old bears and will usually continue to take care of them far into adulthood, to the extent where a common use for advanced models is just to transfer the consciousness of your bear to a new body if its parts need replacing. It essentially becomes a lot of people's friend for life that they refuse to get rid of, heck many people even just refuse to upgrade the bear with newer parts.

As well most people actually have one and will place it around their house to sit still. Many of the world's programs and software is actually made to go into this bear so that it can be more helpful to the person as they grow older.

To the extent that even though these things are ancient, newer models mostly are just "improved versions of the basic model" made to look and act the same. Which is just a large stuffed looking ape teddybear of many colors.

It is rather sweet is what I am getting at.


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Re: Things that made you go "WTF?" today o_O
« Reply #81846 on: July 27, 2015, 07:16:13 pm »

Eh, I don't get the whole "After a hundred years, I'm done," thing, myself. I mean, if I'm not dying of old age, then I see no reason to stop. It's not like I'm going to pick an arbitrary date and go "Yep. That's the last day I'll be alive!"
I figure it's better to die too soon than live too long. That way you get to dodge the existential terror of being absolutely useless in every conceivable way.
Then pick a date. OR ARE YOU A PAAAAAANSY?
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Re: Things that made you go "WTF?" today o_O
« Reply #81847 on: July 27, 2015, 07:16:41 pm »

What scale are you on, then?
The one about personal freedoms. Like what I said. Maybe in general it lines up with progressiveness, but they're not the same thing.

Those in the left don't have views based exclusively around personal freedoms. Progression sometimes must sacrifice personal freedom, and so a leftist dictatorship is born.
Saying that the bad actions of leftists isn't actually the result of the left wing, but hidden right wing characteristics, is rather silly. They are doing it for their ideals, and for themselves. But their ideals and motives are still left.

Communist dictatorship is left. Fascist dictatorship is right.
Honestly gender is literally a concept because we decided sex is more important than sexual characteristics and social positions.

My mentality on it is just that if it looks like a male human and acts like a male human then I'll fuck it. It doesn't have to be a male human.
My approach would be different. If it is a woman, and it has a desirable personality, then I will be open to having sex with her. But if she only looks like a woman, and has the same personality, it wouldn't even cross my mind. At the end of the day both genders are still flesh and blood, but so are animals, and I wouldn't sleep with them.

This would probably be the result of evolution - he who has sex with a member of the opposite sex is  - obviously - more likely to have children.

Yikes, something like ten ninjas. Elven now. Dammit, Twelve.... I hate you. Thirteen.
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Re: Things that made you go "WTF?" today o_O
« Reply #81848 on: July 27, 2015, 07:17:46 pm »

Eh, I don't get the whole "After a hundred years, I'm done," thing, myself. I mean, if I'm not dying of old age, then I see no reason to stop. It's not like I'm going to pick an arbitrary date and go "Yep. That's the last day I'll be alive!"

I mean, I want to be alive tomorrow, and I see no reason why tomorrow I'd want to die the next day. I see no reason why this would stop anytime in the next few billions of years, barring physical or mental damage.

Things change, though.

Personally, I have no problem with dying, but it's not like I consciously want to die.


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Re: Things that made you go "WTF?" today o_O
« Reply #81849 on: July 27, 2015, 07:19:08 pm »

I'd pick a date, and if I could it would be tomorrow, but I promised someone very important to me that I wouldn't pursue my own death, so I am content to let it come in its own peace.
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Re: Things that made you go "WTF?" today o_O
« Reply #81850 on: July 27, 2015, 07:19:45 pm »

I find that really unfair. I mean, does that entity actually chose to not be woman? It's not their fault, you know. Like, I didn't want this disgusting, male body.
she/her. (Pronouns vary over time.) The artist formerly known as Objective/Cinder.

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Re: Things that made you go "WTF?" today o_O
« Reply #81851 on: July 27, 2015, 07:21:19 pm »

Quite frankly, I don't care whose fault it is.

I couldn't do it.
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Re: Things that made you go "WTF?" today o_O
« Reply #81852 on: July 27, 2015, 07:23:11 pm »

Fuckin' sorry I'm a piece of disgusting filth, then.
she/her. (Pronouns vary over time.) The artist formerly known as Objective/Cinder.

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Re: Things that made you go "WTF?" today o_O
« Reply #81853 on: July 27, 2015, 07:24:43 pm »

Not what I meant.

You're not disgusting, I'm just, to use the cliche, not that into you.

"You" being the entire non-female population of earth.
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Re: Things that made you go "WTF?" today o_O
« Reply #81854 on: July 27, 2015, 07:27:14 pm »

Thing is, you find yourself disgusting because you have attributed that adjective to yourself, or because people managed to traumatize you into thinking of yourself as such? :v
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