Do show me policies which make the party inherently racist.
Whispering Ninja. Sorry, I slipped aaaaaaand
Is this enough?
UKIP is the same sort of deal as a lot of these far-right anti-immigration parties. "We hate those goddamn immigrants, they should all go back to their huts and desert tents to speak their dirka dirka jabber and stop taking benefits away from good white Europeans... but we're not racist! Oh, and fuck the Jews too, but we're still not racist!"
If it speaks indiscretely in interviews like a racist, constantly expels members for being too overtly racist, and pushes for anti-immigration policies with thinly veiled racist language, it's probably a racist party trying to pretend that it's just an anti-immigration party.
So... no, you couldn't find a racist policy. Bar the migrant children not having automatic access to state funded schools thing, which in itself isn't racist. I would suppose that it means there is some criteria they would need to fill in, but it would take too long to look up on my phone. Feel free to do so yourself.
The rest speaks for itself. The hilariously named "left foot forward" obviously went in for the kill. But anyway yea. It's full of "such and such was suspended/expelled for..."obviously the work of a racist party to punish racist comments. UKIP steals votes from a lot of parties, so it stands to reason thers are many looking to scrutinise it. Let's look, shall we, at the inane comments other politicians have tweeted? Now let us judge the entire party by a social media comment. Heh.