Mormons came by unexpectedly in ~30 degree weather to spread the word of mormon stuff. Me being me, caught in an unexpected situation requiring me to talk to people, it was an awkward couple minutes before I shooed them off. Ugh. Probably could've handled that better.
Huh WTF, they came to me today too. Weather's "only" 35 up here but still. I was polite (They couldn't have known they'd be waking me up, also this weather is cold) and I was a bit surprised, since it's been about a year since they came by. Maybe their church did a major push right after the cold snap ended?
They offered to come by later and I kinda regret turning them down. I'd probably feel more comfortable going to them anyway, though. Might do that sometime. Not that I expect to be convinced in a million years, but I'm sure to learn something interesting.
You could see how they respond if you invite them in eagerly, then ask all the fucked up, perverse, and misogynistic polygyny-related questions you can think of, act really into it, &c. Make sure to tape it for
Youtube posterity.
Alternatively, figure out where they live and evangelize for a niche religion.
Own WTF/rage here. So, myself and the only other competent employee where I work have been slowly getting my supervisor to go through the process of hiring more student workers, as we'll be gone soon and the rest have been fired for being lazy irresponsible shitheads. We've narrowed ~120 applicants down to two acceptable candidates for her already (it doesn't help that other departments pick the applications over before we do); both of them are freshmen, responded promptly to email, aren't in frat/sorority life or theatre/sports/band (all of which offer plentiful excuses for skiving off work). One of those two came in today to follow up. What my supervisor knew: he bothered to respond to her email, he's a freshman, he's a youth leader in a church, he's not involved in any groups that'd eat up time.
When we talked to him, he even let us know that he's going to be in town over the summer -- we stay open, but she won't have a worker as things currently stand. He was friendly, he came in on his own to follow up, so on and so forth. The only thing my supervisor didn't know was that he was also an immigrant from Nigeria. As soon as he left, she called me into her office, suddenly sort of rushed, and when I asked her what she thought, I got this in response:
"Oh, I don't know, he was sort of
Dude was around my height, slightly more built, and clean-shaven. He was cheerful and seemed happy about the opportunity. And he was pretty much our ideal candidate: going to be around for several years, self-motivated enough to respond and show up, no major external responsibilities. At least she managed to keep her racism to herself and let me talk her around eventually. See: thread title. :I