Pretty much any conspiracy theory that doesn't end in a monarch, illuminati or aliens ends in jews because of this.
If you haven't seen conspiracy theories where they end in a monarch, Illuminati, or aliens AS WELL AS Jews then you're not looking hard enough.
They're not allowed to hold joint power, it's the Caesar effect. Alien-jews running the illuminati who control the world through monarchs and oligarchs is allowed, but you can't have them all have a spread of power - that would be chaos. And one thing I know about conspiracy theories, is that they are not made by paranoid people looking for fear. They're made by two types of people:
- Paranoid people looking for structure. If you can order the power structure in a neat pyramid that has an eye watching you then that is structure, and a lot less threatening than the idea that no one is in control;
- People working for the CIA.
Plus America does have a lot of concerning situations that demand conspiracy, like the times where news station owners have their babysitters mysteriously murder their children and then cut their own throats, police of course treating it as a murder suicide just as the news station rolled stories about money laundering. Or nukes get moved around without paper trails. Or the times where affluent American bankers commit suicide by nailgun or exploding car. Or the times where the American government is doing MKUltra tier shit. Or mass surveillance. Or fed bankers accidentally lose billions in the couch.
You can see why people want their illumanti pyramids. It's scary shit, and illuminati pyramids make you feel safer - you'd much rather know someone with power over your life wants you dead/close to it and hasn't gone about it than to know they have power over your life and you don't know what they're doing with it.