Guitar Hero + real guitar = Rocksmith/Rocksmith2014.
I love that game, but it's kicking my ass so hard.
Oh yes, I have it too. 2014 is much improved, though. But honestly, in the three-ish months of using it, I probably made more progress than in the last three years.
The only thing that pisses me off is that Session Mode, while a great addition, does not have enough settings, at least much needed ones like SETTING THE GODDAMN RHYTHM TO SOMETHING ELSE THAT 4/4. I want to be able to play at least 2/4, 3/4, 6/8 and 7/8. Dammit, metronomes can do that!
Also, they added almost every single mode, as well as all Western pentatonics, Harmonic Minor and Phrygian Dominant, but for some strange reason did not add Locrian. I guess that's because Locrian is ultra-weird, what with having a diminished tonic and all, but it's still odd that it isn't there.
Oh, and song skill level decaying after you didn't play it for a while. After you max out a song, it only gets frustrating and confusing, unless you decide to just play from memory.
BandFuse - it has a big problem. Too little, too late, namely. The devs dropped the ball and it got released after RS2014, and the main draw of BandFuse are things that were already improved either in RS or in 2014 (Bass playing, Lick Lab is apparently the same thing as RS2014's Lessons, except apparently without practice tracks, and the celebrity lessons have been criticized for sometimes being less the person teaching and more just showing off, and the setlist has a lot of songs covered by RS2014). So general critic consensus is, RS2014 is better.