I'm sorry for being bold with you Malk, or if I'm uninformed of the entire situation, or completely stupid, but I've seen too many people who were amicable, funny, and smart behind closed doors destroy themselves with such self-depreciating talk, and it really is the mental picture of yourself, the way you consider yourself, that can help make you the person you want to be. I'm trying to encourage you mate.
mastahcheese is right. Some people are assholes, you see a lot of assholes walking around every day. But not everyone is a horrible person. For every godawful one there's a kind one, an understanding one, someone who gets it. If you see someone being an asshole, then hey-ho check the bastard off your list, but if someone tries to be nice to you, try being a bit open to them. If they can't accept you as you are, nothing lost, but if they're the nicest person you ever met? Look at all you've just gained. Look at what mastahcheese gained by letting that token person in. Hell, look at what I've gained (well, I've never exactly told any of you guys before but I like to keep my personal life to myself unless someone's really persistent). All you've got to do is give someone a chance.
You don't have to listen to anything I'm saying, you have that right, but just know that I believe in you. For all that it's worth, this person right here believes in you.