So I have been playing The Sims 3 and decided to renovate my Sims' house into some strange sort of hipster art cafe/bar.
Mind you, I started off with one of the basic starting houses. I'm amazed I even managed to cram as many stories/buildings/oddities into the small map size in the first place, but the serious WTF is the first floor.
Now, in the game, building stairs is a gigantic pain in the ass. Stairwells or curving staircases do not exist, they all have to be perfectly straight bridges rising at a fixed angle. Before I embarked on this project I already had two stories, with a staircase providing access to the attic for the crazy guy who lived in there.
The main part of the project basically involved me chopping off the entire front of the house, making a fancy front yard, kitchen and outdoor dining area, and then cramming all the living areas skyward- yep, lots of stupid staircases wrapped around the building.
Thing is, the stairs bypassed the second floor. I shrugged, set up the room in there anyway, figuring I'd bung in some teleporters later on. Long story short, when the (saw)dust and paint fumes settled, there was nowhere near enough room for six people to live on the property.
The WTF: I have two people living in a single room on the second floor, squashed in there with a toilet, shower, television, refrigerator, double bed and microwave. Oh and a couch. It was like tetris stuff and all.
They have no access to the outside world apart from the teleporter, which has limited charges. '
Also I have been up for over 24 hours, which may or may not have something to do with both the strange-ness of the story and the rambliness of this post. I dunno.