How did you accidentally tell her?
I thought I had already told her. Also I should be meeting her at the next CON. So thats cool...I guess.
In fact I'll post the chat log here.
Me: Hey, you up?
Her: I just got back to my dorm
Me: Oh, cool. Hows it been?
Not quite as good as cons (fuck gender-segregated hallways) but fairly close
Me:Cool, you been learning cool shit.
Except in sculpture, because that class is bullshit
Me:Ah, how so?
Her:The teacher talks to us like we're kindergarteners
Me: Fuuuuun. Is the subject at least interesting?
Her:Not the way she teaches it
The projects are kind of stupid and she won't stop talking about putting deep meaning into everything
Soo.... have you thought a bit about what I said at the end of WUUKY?
Her:You mean "Bye"?
Me:No, what I said right after the worship...
I don't think you said anything to me
Me: Nooo...I was really adward and nervous.
I said that I liked you, like really liked you. (exact words of a nervous boy)
It wasn't my most eloquent moment.
Her: I'm sorry, but I don't think you actually said that to me
Me: I rember it very clearly.
But even so, yeah. I mean it.
I...have feeling for you.
feelings* fuck I messed that up.
goddamnit i'm so nervous right now.
So yeah...sorry if I made this conversation awkward.
Her: I'm really sorry, but I'm not quite sure how to respond to that.
Me: Yeah...sorry