This has been a thing since the earliest days of console multiplayer. Gamepads aren't precise enough to play FPSes without a mountain of aim-assist. It's why I've always disdained console players who try to be elitist about their pr0 h34dsh0t sk1llz.
Cultural appropriation is an actual term with actual meaning, and it's not "liking things from another culture." Only morons say that's bad.
Appropriation is things like what scriver said, or frat white boys in racist costumes. It's NOT 'eating at a Thai place' and saying it is, and is therefore not a bad thing, is hilariously missing the point.
So in other words, it's this one bad thing if you don't approve of it, but this other good thing if you do? Yep, that's perfectly consistent.
Hey, did you know that someone else smoking crack whenever they can afford it is a horrible addiction, but me smoking three packs a day is just normal behavior? Yeah, and when someone draws porn I'm attracted to, it's art, but if they draw porn I'm not attracted to, it's repulsive trash! For everyone's sake, I'll refrain from adding a dozen more.
When you try to argue that one group of people using the cultural artifacts of another group is "right" and another group doing the same is "wrong", and that the two instances of behavior are distinctly different things rather than a semi-arbitrary distinction formed solely by your own perspective, you are being the exact sort of repressive hypocrite which you claim doesn't represent SJWs/tumblr/whatever. The primary distinction between appropriation versus assimilation is that the use is outside the original context of the broader culture... and yet, for some strange reason, you only see people protesting it when it
also coincides with traditional SJW targets.
I've never see Jacques Copeau derided for cultural appropriation because he used elements of Noh theatrical dramas as part of his acting school's training program, despite them being distinctly outside their original cultural context.
Completely unrelated: Anyone else having trouble with google? I went to go check some release dates for a couple upcoming games, but all my searches just return with nothing but the filled search bar and no results at all.