I will certainly be flamed for this, but this is one of the reasons I get rankled at the "anti-patriarchy!" aligned form of modern feminism. -- The goal is clearly not female equality with men at all, but is instead female protectionism on a scale that makes the victorian age seem quaint. I thought the purpose of feminism was to get OFF the goddamn pedistal?
Legislation like yours screams "I have a vagina, so I am a delicate flower, that needs to be protected! Wrap me up in 10 layers of bubblewrap! Why, a single unwanted look could destroy me forever!"
Apparently it was less "I want off the pedistal to prove I can stand and walk for myself amid life's slings and arrows." and more "I wanted off THAT pedistal, so I could get on THIS one! it's much taller, and more stylish!"
Cue the "You dont know how hard it is to be a woman!" rhetorical deluge in 3, 2, 1...
(Hint, Life is hard for everyone, and life being hard does not justify fundamental hipocrisy. Go read Animal Farm, and see where the thinking "some are more equal than others" leads. It isn't pretty. Equality means getting bumped and bruised along the way just like everyone else, and having a penis does not make males magically immine from sexual abuse, so spare me that canard as well. IIRC, the statistic is
1 in 6 men have been sexually abused at some point in thier lives. If anything, it is culturally HARDER for males, because admiting that sexual abuse is a cultural taboo that is percieved as an indicator of weakness and ersion of masculine identity. The point here? Women get abused about as often as men do, men get abused earlier in life is all. As a consequence, treating male abuse as a non-issue is straight up specious and a stark denial of reality.)