Subpar in terms of graphical quality, eh?
I dunno what games you've been watching, then, because it seems all most AAA games care about is looking as good as possible, although there are exceptions.
They look good in a sense that they're nearly photorealistic. They don't look good in a sense of evoking emotions, or being able to distinguish between things at a glance. Also, due to how many games nowadays use the same graphical engine, modern games end up looking much more similar to each other than they should be.
For a best example of that, compare the graphics of Age of Wonders 1 with those of Age of Wonders 3. The first is something really unique, the second can be mistaken for a mod of Civilization V.
inb4 Sergarr's knowledge of "modern games" (because that's a real distinction that exists) is from facecam-scream type LPers on YT.
Never watched those ones and never understood the purpose of facecam.
Your generalization is about as accurate as "all Russians are vodka-guzzling Communists" or "all Americans are gun-toting rednecks". Try watching YouTube of good games once in a while.
"I can't find good modern games!"
But you see, I don't want simply "Good modern games", I want "Better modern games", in which case "better" is "better than the best of what was already made". And this is fucking difficult due to how slow and even backwards the gameplay progress has been in recent years.
'Modern' is far too fuckin' wide and varied, man.
You've played every game ever?
DF is a modern game.
also you're KINDA being pretentious
Somebody has got to be pretentious, because otherwise all we get is a hugbox of unchallenged opinions which has caused the stagnation of evolution of gameplay that has caused my rant at the present time.
The only problem with that is then you can't play with fri-
Do you know how many people still play Warcraft 3 and UT 99?
Wait, are you saying people still play Warcraft 3 online consistently enough to find a match!?
It's a good thing I compulsively save the cases of games with CD keys. If only I didn't have exams coming up so soon...
Yes, they do. There are even a lot of separate communities of players, if you can believe that! There are thousands and thousands of people that still play Warcraft 3 to this day, because it's legitimately the best game of its type (real-time RTS/RPG with incredibly powerful custom mapmaking).
Lets not go full fedora here guys. The "only old games were good" argument is hilarious and everyone who spent their early life playing games know that.
Quite a lot of old games were trash, yes. But among lots of trash, there were good games. The modern games have failed to be better than those good games of the past, and in many cases they are drastically worse, despite the much bigger budgets, much better avaibility of programming instruments and much better social connectivity of modern world that allows for people from separate places to work together. Somehow, all these things have failed to produce something better than the old classics, despite many,
many years to learn what made them good.
The game-makers has failed to learn from mistakes of the past, and continue to do so repeatedly, which is the reason why I've called modern games "trash".