Looks like AARP doesn't oppose Barrack Hussein Obamacare. Doesn't sound very conservative to me
Is opposing that really such a conservative thing though? I mean, lets be honest, its basically a scam and it should feel bad.
How Obamacare (doesn't) works: You attempt to connect to the online "marketplace" but they put about as much effort into making that site serviceable as Putin puts into diplomacy, so naturally it can take weeks/months/heat death of the universe before you can even SEE the shit in there. Once you finally manage to connect you wait for whatever insurance company you (hopefully) chose to respond with yay or nay, and they will probably go for nay.
Oh, and did we mention how if you don't have health insurance by the deadline (which was about a month or two after the thing was announced, so RIGHT NOW) that you'll be charged on your taxes? Yeah, the first time its something like 50-60 bucks they're charging, but apparently after the second time its HUNDREDS. So basically if you can't get through the purposefully roundabout system they designed then they charge you more then you would have to pay to have just gotten health insurance normally.
My mom made the mistake of calling the hotline because she literally hasn't been able to get into the marketplace thing yet to SEE THE OPTIONS, and the lady she talked to apparently just kept going "no, you don't have to see the options, YOU ACCEPTED" and months later she was denied.
So yeah, instead of Obamacare we shoulda just voted in an air tax.