This spell conjures a field of rubbery black tentacles, each 10 feet long. These waving members seem to spring forth from the earth, floor, or whatever surface is underfoot—including water. They grasp and entwine around creatures that enter the area, holding them fast and crushing them with great strength.
I can see how this can be abused.
It's actually a pretty incredible -- if incredibly situational, since what it summons isn't friendly -- distraction spell in Incursion. Downside to it being that it basically ruins any area it's cast in for traveling through.
On the other hand, running into something
else that can cast the damned spell (which may or may not have been squelched from AI casting by the most recent version... I forget) is a lesson in frustration. There's nothing quite like walking into a cavern that has literally a hundred+ (note: This is in a game where it's not uncommon to have <50-60 creatures on an entire level) high strength, annoyingly hard to kill, reach-capable grapplers in it.
And yeah, then there's the whole tentacoo wape angle. Less so than alienists (who turn any and every thing they summon into ravenous, incredibly hard to kill tentacle beasts*), but still.
*Actually, if my memory's not borking said tentacle beasts actually have evard's (or whatever that was) black tentacles as an innate spell... which yeah, would mean the AI won't use it anymore. Thank zeus. Nothing like some crazy critter that summons tentacle beasts that summons giant tentacles. Tentaception.