Today was an odd day. A heavy storm blew in last night, and the county sheriff preemptively declared a level-3 snow emergency (Ohio gives snow emergencies in increments of 0-3. 0 is normal conditions, 1 is "roads are slick, be careful", 2 is "restrict driving to absolute minimum and exercise extreme caution" and Level 3 is "If we catch you on the roads, unless you're emergency personnel or in the middle of a medical emergency, it's a $250 fine and possible arrest.") from 11:30 last night until 5:00 AM this morning, when he would reevaluate the situation. At 5:30, he dropped it to a level 2 despite the roads being as bad as ever, and the worst of the storm not yet having hit. Policy for my company is to open, and all personnell to report, if it is level 2 or below (interestingly, despite it being illegal to drive during a level 3, it remains perfectly legal for a company to fire you for not showing up, but fortunately this is a union shop and there's a policy in the contract). Thus, I had to go out this morning through extremely hazardous weather in the full knowledge that it was going to get worse throughout the day. Surprising no one, the level 3 was reinstated around 9, work closed, and I had to beg a ride into my neighborhood (I get a ride to and from work so that my ma has a car available during the day), after which I had to trudge through sidewalks that had 8" (~203mm) of snow on them to get home.
What were they thinking?