Idk, a lot of people I know had their hours cut to part time anyways. Plenty of downtime for them. I think that is the trend for businesses, part employees cost them less for insurance and benefits, it's cheaper to hire 40 part timers then 20 full time employees.
Which would be great if you could survive off ~24 hours a week.
More like 60 part timers for the cost of 20 full time employees. Full timers not only take up more insurance and other benefits, they're paid a bit more and can't go below a certain number of hours a week. Throw in whatever tax breaks companies get for hiring as many people as possible, and you've got some serious savings for hiring lots of part time employees.
At my store they're cutting hours pretty deeply. I'm down to 20 a week from 32. I'm lucky enough to live with family, but I know folks that are making a living off of the 14 hours a week they suddenly have. It blows my mind that the managers can be so uncaring.
Idk, I'm incredibly happy and lucky that I have a full time salaried job. I don't take sick days, never have which is why I might have survived the cut during the handful of streamlining and reorganization the firm has gone through. I actually like my job and I like working. I earn more money then I spend, being a rather frugal, unambitious spender. Frankly, I save up as much money as I can in case I don't survive the next cut. Thing is, I'm not middle management material. I'm not ambitious, not a people person, not very highly educated either.
I calculated that if fired, I can I survive working 24 hours a week at 10$ and hour. Almost Utopian stuff, so much more free time then I have now.
However, if I had to support a family, or even live in a decent neighborhood, I'd be SOL. Glad I'm not married.