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Author Topic: Things that made you go "WTF?" today o_O  (Read 15508457 times)


  • Bay Watcher
  • Inscrubtable Exhortations of the Soul
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Re: Things that made you go "WTF?" today o_O
« Reply #166335 on: Today at 01:22:36 pm »

Man that is so twisted.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Things that made you go "WTF?" today o_O
« Reply #166336 on: Today at 02:30:11 pm »

It probably would be dealt with as normal abandonment, given the examples we know of tend to be relationships undertaken (with or without resulting children) only during the period of infiltration, and when the officer left the 'role' they will have ceased to exist as that role, moving on to other (more normal?) duties and vanishing from the original scene.

It's only years (decades!) later that some (maybe-)fake relationships were shown not to be what the infiltratee or her group might have thought at the time. Maybe they thought them just to be a standard jumping-from-the-'ship of a perfectly normal drifting in/drifting out person. (Possibly some engineered an "I need to disappear, the fuzz are after me, it'd be dangerous to keep in contact, get on with your life" sort of thing, which doesn't entirely help the situation, but probably not unknown in some of the social circles involved in this entire debacle.)

The decisions made as of the fake-split, and even during the fake-relationship, would obviate much in the way of further decisions made whenever the whole original fake-meet was uncovered. Children's surnames might be the more painful aspect, if maintained according to the misdirection, but for all intents and purposes in line with the patriarchal convention.

But it happened a lot of times (though miniscule in amount compared with the number of non-fake estrangements, with most of the same immediate concerns without even being any future 'explanation' of why the father left), and each case willl have its unique points. Some 'infiltration widows' will have readily got on with their lives; after all these years there's no logistical problems with an ex-partner being more chaotic-good than any other alignment, though might shift their ranking (unpredictably!) against the ranking of any other given ex. Others might have still been wondering (idolising?) their actually non-existing 'partner', like imagine if Sarah Connor was suddenly shown proof that the whole episode with "Kyle Rees" was just a perfectly 'normal' romance-con from people who have as little to do with time-travel as they do with colonising the Moon, albeit with heavy duty practical special effects (and a whole lot of news faking) to sell the whole idea. Then there's the case that not all romances will be entirely fake, and (with quite a big "well... this is awkward" period of working things out), perhaps sometimes the revelations could end up with a resumption of the actual personable relationship that only actually broke up due to officialdom inexorably forcing the seperation.

Of prime concern, maybe, should be establishing the proper restitution for the complete break of trust (unwarranted trust, of course, is what undercover officers must exploit, and will have been required to do it, which doesn't help). What
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