Or, I’ve noticed that if one has been banned, he can also comeback will a new ID and nobody will notice…
Without wanting to declare 'policy' for any particular place (let alone here), there are of course multiple levels of official displeasure, and multiple ways to get back to the fold (officially sanctioned and sanction
able, alike[1]).
Some... offenders... seem keen to come back to places with "It's me again!"-type replacement usernames. Depending upon who is enforcing things (and what offending took place) this might be an allowable return or a "kick on sight" prompt. If the me-again account summarily offends-again in the exact same way, then tolerance will often wear thinner than a graphene negligé. If they have
learnt not to step over the line, and ideally not to even go anywhere near it, then... no problem... and the penalty can stay at losing their "history" (good, as well as bad) from the old identity.
Coming back as an alternative username has the same issues, only then the admins may or may not have to rely on other reasons to connect the new with the old (it could even be part of the deal: come back, but make it a
completely blank slate, at least until they show a willingness to stay reformed; also maybe there was a mutual antagonism involved, and the
lesser antagonistic party deserves to be let back in without being immediately trolled or subtly provoked by the other, ban-evading, offender in fuller disguise).
Back-as-you-were is always going to be tough judgement call. And even more a "fool.me once, shame on me; fool me twice, shame on you" situation.
Anyway, can't and won't speak of what the great Toad can/will/should do(/have done) in any situation, or especially this one. I'd rather he not be distracted by all this, really, but life marches on and keeps on surprising us. I've had my finger on actual ban-buttons in the past (a long time ago, although the last time
I was banned, anywhere, was even lot longer, unless I'm forgetting some other indiscretion), and I'm in no hurry to have that responsibility again...
[1] Ok, perhaps I should have said "prescribed and proscribed", as more easily understood opposite meanings.