I've been thinking up "Social Anxiety Curses" that I think would be too awful to live through:
Curse of the Ignorant Outsider: a new social more/tradition is created, and everyone, including newborn babies, automatically knows it... except for you, and nobody will EVER tell you. This new more is something complex and cannot be easily discerned through observation or trial-and-error. If you don't adhere to the social more, people will be irrationally upset to the point of straining friendships and ruining your professional life. People will think you're utterly stupid or purposefully inflammatory for not adhering to the more. If you ask, nobody can or will explain it to you; if you capture someone and torture them to force them to explain it to you, the best answer they'll ever give you is "IT'S OBVIOUS! EVERYONE KNOWS! HOW COULD YOU NOT KNOW?!?!?". The moment you do figure it out, a new more is created and you start back over from zero.
Curse of Telepathy for Humanity: This curse is that everyone, except you, has a form of telepathy that lets them communicate perfectly without speech over any distance. You have to live the rest of your life adapting this new world where nobody exchanges words any more, and finding that they have to use their old language to communicate with you, you find that they're slowly forgetting how to speak. So as the decades pass, the small pool of people you can still communicate with can only speak with increasingly deteriorating verbal skills, until they're like infant children that only remember a few words at best.